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Everything posted by kanegan

  1. Yeah. Freshwater soak will even save you the trouble of killing them....
  2. I saw bottles of formalin in aquastar last week.
  3. Your photo is blurry, it looks like a centipede from what i can see so I am guessing it is a bristleworm. I fished a dead (i put the rocks in super hyposalinity water) 1.5 to 2 feet long specimen out of live rock I got from another reefer recently. I have another one living in a rock in my old tank that i haven't decided what to do with. It is debatable whether it is harmful to the tank since i believe nearly all tanks have them.... generally small specimens are harmless scavengers that keep the tank clean but giant specimens can eat snails and other ls....
  4. Hi Peter, Did you use a refractometer to get a reading? I understand that is the most accurate measurement.
  5. I am puzzled because the SG seems so low... with evaporation the SG should be higher and not lower. I read elsewhere that the swing arm hydrometer is precise but not accurate. Precise in the sense that the reading can be wrong or right in terms of accuracy but it will always give consistent results (wrong will be always wrong by the same degree....) I just want to know whether the sea water I bought was really too low in SG or my hydrometers are erring on the low side. I have been keeping my tank water SG at 1.023 using the swing arm hydrometer... now i am worried that my own levels are actually too high. Can anyone who has been using Iwarna sea water share their experience? Do you add salt to the sea water?
  6. Hi all, Has anyone measured the specific gravity for Iwarna's sea water? I bought one bag on Sunday and measured it at home with a Corallife deepsix and a floating type hydrometer. I got readings of 1.0185 and 1.020 respectively. I know that these two types of hydrometers are not very accurate, can anyone let me know the correct SG reading?
  7. Yeah! I told Solo77 was organizing a sand collection outing from Sengkang river!
  8. Hi bros, Has anyone used this light in a 2.5 feet deep tank?
  9. Prefer not to have to paint anything or do my own sealing.. i am a diy dumbbell... i don't want to poison my water or burn my house down. Any local bros out there know of a suitably waterproof and low energy light for growing algae please let me know.
  10. Hi stevenkoh, Thanks. Has anyone seen those powerpac brand clip-on lights some lelong shops have started selling? Thinking of getting one of those with a energy saving bulb to grow algae.... any comments?
  11. Hi gurus, What is the lighting requirement for an algae scrubber? In terms of lighting period, color range and intensity/wattage?
  12. yeah. i thought it looked a bit cluttered but he mentioned the cabinet is almost up... it looks up...
  13. It looks "up" to me. what's missing?
  14. I see. Ok. No fans or chillers at the moment. You should not see me using MH lights ever. Will let the tank run first and monitor the temperature first
  15. Any reason why Rio is not popular with reefers even though it is so much cheaper?
  16. No chiller planned at this point so.... I am hoping to have a simple eco-friendly system here. So I would like an energy efficient pump.
  17. I got the actual dimensions of the tank 42" x 24" x 30" Online calculators say it will hold just under 500l assuming i need 10x turn over, isn't 1262 undersized?
  18. Thanks bro! Will wait for your update.
  19. Hi bro, I am following up on your advice in my thread. Is the ehiem 1262? Will you sell it separately?
  20. hi bros, Its 3.5 by 2.5 by 2.5. And you have sharp eyes, the original pump is ehiem 1262 unfortunately someone else beat me to the sale. What I want to know is how you determine the output requirement for new tank setups...
  21. Hi gurus, How do I determine which pump I need to power the return from sump? Any recommendations? Pictures of the tank
  22. Hi Law, Forgot to thank you for the referral
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