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Everything posted by sam_always

  1. Hi, got a 1 month old cycled 2 ft tank. Finished cycle 1 week ago. Changed 30% water. NH3 0, NO2 0 and NO3 10. has already got 2 clown fish inside. Can i start put in some softies like mushroom or torch coral?
  2. Hi all, What is the ideal pH value? 8.3? as what i know the pH value flactuates by time. When is the good time to measure pH? THanks
  3. Hi all, Considering getting a electronic pH meter. Can advise where to get it and how much it cost? thanks
  4. can show me a pic on theben timer? how much it cost? where can i get it? can it be used for a top-up timer?
  5. Hi all, any good timer device to recommand? thinking of buy one for my lighting. Please advise me the price and where to get. thanks
  6. HI michaelau, can normal end cap be used on T5 tub? no need starter one right?
  7. oh ic.... ok... i will check my dkh first b4 dripping kalk
  8. Hi all, Can i start dripping kalk during the cycle period? or must drip kalk after the full nitrogen cycle? please advise. thanks
  9. If i am remember correctly. las time in school lab, I did an experiment regarding solubility on certain elements. Some element has better solubility in cool water. Dont know is Ca one of them.... One example. there is one powder that my mum use for cooking is more soluble when mix with cool water. Also some milk powder or protein powder need to mix with cool water first before add in hot water. From this observation, i think i believe what terryansimon said. Correct me if i am wrong
  10. I am looking for about 10kg LR. PM me if you are selling your LR. thanks
  11. took the prawn out... orghhhhhhh..... damn smelly... almost wanted to vomit.... THanks bro
  12. Hi, Using a prawn to kick start nitrogen cycle on my new 2.5ft tank. Detected a amonia spike. When can i remove the prawn?
  13. which brand of active carbon is value for money?
  14. Unfortunately I dont have space for DSB. denitrator is quite ex also. Hope that a good skimmer and alot LR could help to maintain the nitrate level.
  15. oic.... i am still thinking what media to put inside the sump... so just cycle the tank first lo...
  16. Hi all, Currently i am setting up a 2.5 ft tank and i am looking for cured LR. Normally how much for a kg of LR? where can i get the cheapest LR?
  17. Hi all, For a new tank cycling. is sump needed to be in operation? can i disconnect everything and the tank with LR and sand during cycling?
  18. I will keep FOWLR first and eventually will keep coral as well. Then what media should i use?
  19. hi, i got a IOS at my tank. I am wondering what filter media to put, bio ball? ring? phosguard? i am lost at those filter media? Any suggestion?
  20. ask already... they dont sell grand 0 sand....
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