Hi all,Im going to close down my 1.5yr old 4ft fowlr setup.
LR and livestock buyers were collect on the same day cos
is easy for me to catch without the LR.Pls note only selling
if hv buyers for both LR and livestock and also sell as a package no separate sale.
Will try to post picture but you can refer to http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=53537&hl=tansh for more info and picture
Package 1-liverock at $200
Nice shape and cure LR total 30-35kg
Package 2-Livestock at $200
1 coral beauty
1 flame angel
1 eibl's pygmy angel
1 koran angel
1 majestic angel
1 purple tang
2 true percula clownfish
2 fire goby
1 dottyback
1 orangetail blue damselfish
1 blood shrimp
1 boxer shrimp
2 ###### shrimps
1 ghost shrimp
1 reef lobster
Pls note all fishers been with me for 1-1.5yr and feed on pellets and frozon shrimp.