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  1. i use rock from beaches i collected they dun seem to be real live rock that are purchase but it seem ok for my tank without any problem but look out for small crab that hide inside the rock they sometime do attack fishes, i washes my rock with fresh water 1st then into my tank that is cycling, now been almost 6 month. make sure look out for sand rock they are very beautiful with hole in the middle and some many hole my fish love swim through and fro them
  2. light n food i got and water i do change 20% change monthly wat thing else needed, nope i dun have chiller i have i big fan blowing just above for the tank only
  3. feeding gralic soaked food really work well all my fish i feed them they are free from ich, even got 1 time i intro a new fish with ich after feed it gralic soaked food it get well fast
  4. i dun c my anemones spewing brown substance from the mouth at all! i mean eating well is for my other anemones , maybe i miss out something there is direct sunlight for the tank where is places and i kept my water temp at 26-28 degree
  5. my anemoes doing fine they eat well and open big too if u saying my light not enough y my anemones not moving ard and when i brought them hm 2mth ago they are small n now they grow bigger and bigger i feed them market prawn
  6. my tank is cover i checked everywhere cannot b3 found if it burrow under sand it should have ###### out some how to eat right but it been two week i can c it at all
  7. i just change my 3 feet normal light tube to a blue tube i brought from hardware shop. the packeting name narva germany that all it cost ard $8 for that tube so i my tank i kept 3 anemones 1 purple tip , 1 tube , and 1 green carpet which i caught from the beach they does not move at all for 2 month cuming 3 month
  8. ya i have quite stronger light i think i dun have anemones moving around my tank problem. n my purple tip doing well open till big big to host my clown althought it do like to eat
  9. hey i have this problem also my firegoby suddenly disappear morning i saw it afternoon disappear not even body can be found
  10. i got a purple tip anemoes hosting my pinksunk clown for 2month . this anemones does since like to eat at all, why? everytime i need to use stick to force the food into its mouth then it eat but sometime it spit the food out again ??? i feed it twice a week with market prawn i have another tube anemoes does not this problem at all
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