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  1. Bro, the Grey...has it change to adult color ? or juvenile Thanks
  2. checked with SL, the one behind is 9 blue notes....those infront is ard 4 blue notes
  3. is a 3 years matured tank . never had such fatalities, till after the suspected overdose of iodine. The last fish died of pop eye , a yellow tang. Unless the hawk fish is really hardy, don't understand how the rest perish !! Thanks
  4. ph 8.2 1 hawk fish alive & healthy Changed water 50% twice tx for the help
  5. Need advice. My fishes all died overnite recently except 1 hawk fish. Changed water & added new stocks but died after 3 days. Before the 1st batch died , i accidentally overdosed iodine & iodate, twice the recommended. Need to know whether this resulted in iodine poisoning. When they died , can see their skin having furry or slimy stuff. Could it be also parasite attack ? Currently having octazin treatment. Need advice on how to treat problem Many Thanks
  6. wish to know whether is this skimmer difficult to tune ? if my budget is ard $500, any other brand / model to recommend. My tank is a 3 ft w/ sump tx
  7. wish to know whether is this skimmer difficult to tune ? if my budget is ard $500, any other brand / model to recommend. My tank is a 3 ft w/ sump tx
  8. any advise for sohal tang not eating. Bought it 3 weeks back from lfs. Was eating like a "pig" until i let it out of quarantine tank. It was "attacked" by my other tangs. Put the sohal back to the qurantine tank & isn't eating now. any advise Tx
  9. went there yesterday , i tink no more liao...sad how abt other lfs around sungei tengah ?still exits
  10. HI frenz, I managed to install my reef octopus NW 110 skimmer. However i noticed the turbine pump model OTP-1000. is hot. The spec doesn't require it to be submerge. Was wondering is it normal ? can last 24/7 Thanks
  11. Hi, i accidentally broke the plastic screw attachement of the reef octopus turbine pump model OTP-1000. Anybody knows where can buy the replacement, or does anybody willing to let go an used one thanks
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