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Everything posted by whitetiger

  1. bro, i bought mine from irwana. They should still be selling them
  2. Unfortunately no AT. Okya, there is Alantic Blue Tank, juv and adult
  3. LCK has lots of flame angel, yellow tangs, a few rock beauty, some small and medium kings, yellow neon gobies, flamebacks. Remeber it is at 201 now
  4. Hi Law, I dont think it is shock as I placed both in the betta box with plans to release them into the tank later in the day. I got it for a rather good price but then.... Perhaps we should really be patient and wait for fishes to feed at LFS before purchases....but then again the fishes will be gone
  5. Dear all I wish to get some Mangrove (ard 6 nos). Anyone letting go or any suggestion on where to get? Preferbaly near Hougang :thanks:Thank you
  6. was at REBORN earlier. From their RED SEA shipment, noticed the following; 1 X Medium Asfur Angel 3 X Small Asfur Angel 2X Medium Maculusos Angel Did not see any purple tang though
  7. Wa Piang, you mean he come Singapore buy and go back Malaysia?
  8. That may be applicable for some cases. Just to share I am absolutely gusted few days ago when my lineatus pair died together on the day I bought Guess luck is very important sometimes
  9. Dear Crabshot Wah...wah...wah... your tank is like the dream tank in terms of size and contents post more pics please
  10. Hi, planned to let go of an Emperor because I got myself a new 'Tang'. Eating Pallets, Mysis, Flakes, Henry's food, Seaweed. Letting go $50. FCFS. Pls contact me 96870170. Collection Hougang
  11. Dear all Majestic and wrasse are both reserved; pending collection this weekend.
  12. Dear all Looking to reduce bio-load and I am currently letting go the following; Majestic - 3.5" - $50 Got it from a fellow reefer who have it for a year and been with me for another year Wrasse - 2" - $10 Been with me for a year Maroon Clown - 2" - FOC, priority for those with purchase I also have a hybrid angel 2" which I may let go if there is a good offer. Collection - Hougang All fishes are eating almost everything, flakes, pallets, mysis. If interested, feel free to PM me.
  13. I personally tried cleaner wrasse on few occassions but they only last for a few days. In fact, I just bought a bi-colour wrasse from reborn yesterday. Was told that it will survive longer than normal cleaner wrasse or golden doctor. Hopefully it will survive. It is 2,3 times more expensive than a normal cleaner wrasse though.
  14. hi, how can I check if there is electric leak into my tank? Thank you for all your comments. mainly feeding them pallets. I have now included seaweed in their diets. any one tried dr basslers' pallets?
  15. currently reserved. pending collection by nice reefer tonight. Thanks.
  16. Hi. Wanted to reduce bio-load. Putting up a ard 3" lunare wrasse for sale. Pic taken from Marine Center. Very healthy and eating well. A very easy fish to rear, eats almost everything, including pallets, mysis etc. :smile136: Letting go at $15. Collection preferably at Hougang. Pls contact me 96870170.
  17. Hi Bro It is always good not to overfeed. However, 4-6 pallets per fish sounds too little for me. I would think go for at least double the amount and I would feed twice a day.
  18. Purple Tang pending collection by a nice gentleman today.
  19. Dear all, to reduce bio-load, I am letting go of my purple tang. It eats almost everything. Wish to point out that the tail and fin is slightly torn. Please refer pic. Collection preferably at Hougang, possibly tomorrow. Interested parties, pls PM me your offer.
  20. Dear all I have a 3 feet tank that has been running for about a year. For the past weeks, I started to realise that my blue face, blue tang and koran angel seems to have 'skin' peeling off around the head area and nowhere else on the body. I have a majestic which has no such problem. Have realised that the 3 fishes have something in common..........BLUE in colour Would appreciate if you could share your views on the said matter,i.e. is it normal, proposed remedy.
  21. Interested in your lifestocks. pls contact me HP:96870170. Thank you
  22. Dear Angelfishlover and TinEng Thank you very much for sharing your views with me. They are really helpful for a beginner like me. BTW, TinEng, I have the following query when you mentioned "throw in carbon to absorb all sort of chemical" Carbon - usually available what sort of form, i.e. solid or liquid? I am changing seawater every 2 weeks. However I realised that my Blueface and juv Koran Angel seems to have dewveloped HLLE. Any proposed treatment methods?
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