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Everything posted by weileong

  1. of course still in the hobby lol, you can see how long I've been in the hobby.
  2. shoelevy, there are more evident to suggest that eventually the universe will stop expanding and we end up with big bang again, no escape for everyone lol. Did a bit of astronomy here and there, all these shots are done with the camera mounted on a Germany equatorial mount that follows the rotation of the skies, if not for this case any exposure longer than 5sec with the 105mm lens would give you star trails. Did some photography few years ago, nothing great, btw you can visit my website at http://www.sg-planets.org/ and http://www.geocities.com/weileong27/dso.html
  3. That is cosmology already, too cheem man. I read somewhere that as the universe evolve more galaxies will merge and as that happen more black holes are formed and eventually black holes combine with black holes and finally everything back to square one and big bang again. Read already my head very pain
  4. Close in of Lagoon (right) and Trifid Nebula (left) From the zoomed in shots you can see that stars comes in different colors
  5. Close in of Swan (right) and Eagle Nebule (left). That answers your question abt "noise" or "stars". Yes the whole sky is filled with stars The D70 is more noisy compared to 350D but not really so noisy
  6. Swan and Eagle Nebula ISO800, 180sec exposure, NR ON
  7. Lagoon and Trifid Nebula and M23 open cluster (upper left of frame). ISO800, 180sec exposure, NR ON.
  8. Corona Austrina (The Southern Crown). This is a very dim constellation and almost no chance to be seen from Singapore with ###### eyes.
  9. Constellation Delphinus (Dolphin), pls see next post. ISO 800, 90sec exposure, NR ON
  10. Star field between Sagittarius and Scorpius. Looking into the center of the milky way. Two open star cluster M6 and M7 (wilduck cluster) can be seen. FOV is approximately 13x8.5degs ISO 1600, 60sec exposure, NR ON.
  11. Another one. See the little frag from reefer_guy has grown so much
  12. 0.1ppm is sky high already. PO4 is just one of the few nutrients that can be measured and I believe you used a test kit for measuring that, your actual PO4 could be even higher than that. Even after you managed to lower the nutrients level in your water column your LR, substrates will continue to leach nutrients for a while so don't give up when those algae continue to grow, they will not go away overnight, you'll get rid of them soon or later if you did the right thing.
  13. These are moon snail and they dislodged their rear part as decoy..sort of like lizards dislodging their tails. Nothing new
  14. Okie lar cheong there with honda civic 180kph and reach in 8hrs. No pressure on the head or sure Next trip up there I will go see see look look.
  15. Check if you using any low quality extension coil that might be causing the problem.
  16. If the difference is too great then your camera's dynamic range is not sufficient and you get under and overposed areas in the photo Can always adjust the gamma but that leads to wierd contrast.
  17. Have you seen the amount of "sh*t" coming out after you acid wash your titanium coil? I am doing this and flushing the fins with water in the toilet once every 3 months.
  18. Please lah, this is some sort of good advise? You trying to clock post har? If want to frag under water can always hold the colony then either use wire cutter to frag or use a screw driver press the branch and break it off. It'll still depends on what type of SPS you want to frag.
  19. Sand still can go with SPS, just that more maintenance is needed. I know there's a guy in the US who replace his thin sandbed once a month.
  20. Switch off all wavemaker and return pump, should help.
  21. The star fish will be safe, just leave your main tank fishless for 6-8weeks, I prefer 8 weeks actually and the ich would be gone by then.
  22. Still quite small, abt 2-3cm long, too young to spawn I guess. Now I am seeing polyps extension already. Never knew SPS can have bristleworm living in it pengz.
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