BH, don't take thing too hard. I believe you take some of the comments on a too personal basis.
Seems like you care too much on how others look at you and that is why you always asked everyone not to treat you like a kid. If you think that you have not done anything wrong why should you "resign" from SRC and based on what capacity? You holding any appointments here?
Sometimes I also wonder, you can talk alot in the forum but when we meet you outside, you just stay one corner and kept to yourself acting as if we owe you something. The same applies to even those reefers that knows you (like myself), lastest incident is outside OP somewhere this month.
On the other thread you mentioned that meeting outside for lunch/coffee/tea are a complete waste of time and usually results in only laughter which contribute to no useful information exchange. If I were at your age I would think the same too but I am sure many of the reefers here would disagree with you.
I believe that reefing is a passion for you, don't take things too hard. If you cannot even tolerate all these then I don't see how you can go out to society in future. There'll be more back-stabbing, and many many incidents that will be many times worst than what you encounter here in SRC.
I am not that old but take it from my experience, before you do anything drastic, hold back and think about for 3 times and consequences and many problems can be avoided. Once a mistake is committed no amount of damage repair can help.