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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Salt could be another factor, what brand of salt are you using? I using TM pro with RO/DI water but mine is sps tank which needs very low nutrients water so it is a bit more hardcore.
  2. Manufacturer's rating can only be taken with a pitch of salt, moreover your skimmer is china brand which makes it even more difficult to trust the rating Job of skimmer is to remove DOC before it has a chance to break-down and that results in NO3. Your 30ppm NO3 tells me your skimmer not enough juice As for water flow difficult to advise you, we already asked for detail setup, equipments etc and photos if possible. Try to wash your floss or filters on a weekly basis, that will help too. See my previous post for some other reasons.
  3. Your nitrate level indicating insufficient nutrient export. Maybe you want to review your husbandry. Still insufficient info. How much water are you changing? You should not be using water changes as nutrient export. If your skimmer adequate? How about water flow so that lesser detritus settle down in the substrate and later giving nutrients problem? I've good reason to suspect that your PO4 levels are elevated as well, probably a PO4 test kit will help you.
  4. Alvin, relax relax I am sure Alan don't meant to really challenge you but rather what he is trying to say is that detritus will settle at the bottom of the substrate and later caused problems due to the nutrients building up. How serious is the problem depends on the stocking levels, the heavier the stocking, the faster the nutrients builtup.
  5. The laska I earn from hardwork one hor lol. But for you only, no problem
  6. Hey Darly, no problems at all. Problems with posting thru the net is there is a lack of ###### expression and due to this reason, sometimes misunderstaning can occurs. Got time come out and meet for kopi then we can chat about our tank
  7. Refer to 2 post earlier. Hanna colorimeter. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=0entry416437 It allows you to know your PO4 relative PO4 reading than trying to guess the almost impossible to differentiate color from those chemical test kits.
  8. What are the livestock you having problems with? We need more info on your tank condition/parameters. Photos etc will help too.
  9. Your poor nemos going to be homeless doggies.
  10. Wow good buy and good price especially for seasoned one.
  11. You don't get the point, even they get caught, inconvenience already caused to the owner. How to send the car to the tyre shop?? so better lock up your rims properly.
  12. By the time you wait for those AT to start eating (99.99999999999999% of them won't) in LFS, they are all sold or died already. Unless you buy from CF or some other LFS that can make them eat.
  13. You can they can catch har? If the gut want to make the car beng, then any car, even Mercz also can make till super ah beng
  14. The trick is to use very small amount passively changed once a week with slow increase in the amount of carbon. Make sure use a brand that does not leach PO4 else that will add to your algae problem (if any).
  15. Nothing to do with water volume (up to certain extend). You can 2ft x 2ft x 20ft (h) and see if you can keep the AT alive or not. They need the space to swim.
  16. It is still possible to remove the lock nuts without the special key but that is going to take much longer time so please protect your rims with those lock nuts. Type shops usually charge abt $20-$30 for removal of the lock nuts when you lost the special key.
  17. That's the extension from the frag club
  18. That's why poor me bought only cheap Jap cars Spare parts cheap, repair also cheap.
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