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Everything posted by weileong

  1. The 3/4 tank is meant to prevent people from going into JB to pump up on purpose Well GE should be coming soon and you have your choice.
  2. go JB can only pump 1/4 tank. Plus the distance you need to travel there, the toll, the time spend, the danger there as you might get robbed or gun down. pirated DVD? Get caught how? Totally not worth it
  3. You can use rowalith which works better for deltec CR as they are meant to be fluidising. If you use ARM then you lost the fluidising effect.
  4. That because those people took 10yrs loan and super low or even (0%) downpayment or even overtrade which means 10yrs duration, 100% loan. Interest alone will kill already. Buy the car shiok shiok drive new car but after the "high feeling" wear off or when the car gets older and start giving problem then start to feel the pinch. Or some of them buy some car made that is 1.6L but drinks like 2.4L and when petrol price goes up they only can kpkb. Poor planning?
  5. I try to find but I need something in return lei errmmm like sps frags lol
  6. I try see if I can offer you some lar provided I can find them... I got one big one crawling in my tank and a few small ones.
  7. You used the ma and I interprete it as you are very sure it is aqualight
  8. Efflo. Yellowish body with purple rim, seems like my camera had difficulty capturing the yellow color (as usual)
  9. Pastel lime greenish/blue body with pastel purple coralites and golden polyps.
  10. purple tip milepora from PR two weeks ago. The hole is the "snail" that was dug out from the colony.
  11. You should ask if the SPS can survive the stress? I got 1 millepora colony that had a bristleworm living in it. For one year no polyps extension and nothing happened to the colony, no growth, turn brown, couldn't color up. Until Scarab pointed the polyps extension (which I didn't take note of) I look closely and after cutting the colony up, I removed the bristleworm and now it is coloring up and showing lots of growth. So the question is whether you want just barely surviving SPS or thriving SPS.
  12. Bro Derek, no problem, we all learn from mistakes. I might sound a little harsh but when it comes to ich there is no room for any delay, the sooner you give the proper treatment the higher the chance to save your fishes.
  13. probably you don't know deltec OEM from aqualight huh?
  14. Not difficult if I want to find out as I came back from a overseas trip the day before
  15. This must be bought during that great PR promotion day which you and I missed it because we didn't buy the previous day and hence no 1-for-1
  16. Can't see the dots on the face but I see the dots on the fins.... ich
  17. I am only one type of expert, brown SPS expert
  18. And most ideal if the mod or AT could kill any off-topic post in that thread so it will make it easy for those search for information. Certainly the thread can't do w/o expert like you
  19. Hey Alfa, you're hyanchitus expert already still want to act newbie? From my newbie point of view, it's true that many of the new zeovit users do not read the zeoguide properly and many times they also did not know what parameters to look out for. This is not only true for those trying to use the zeovit but same goes for non-zeo users as well. All the information are scattered everywhere and newbie would find it difficult to gather all the necessary information. This was the problems I faced many months ago when trying to go into SPS. How abt having a simple and clear FAQ (pinned) straight to the point with explanation on the requirements of SPS reefing so that you don't see some newbies just jump into SPS without knowing the requirement. oh Vincent, I'll ask you to come claim your "prata curry" soon
  20. Prata curry for you can or not?
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