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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Lower pH setpoint is like increasing the pH setpoint but be careful with that and don't lower too much else later your ARM turn milky. Also as you sets the pH in the main chamber lower there is a limit as how high the dkh in the effluent can go, so at a certain point in time you will need to increase the effluent flow instead.
  2. 1 2 3 all will work Easier way is to lower the pH setpoint. But there is a limit as to what you can achieve with. So if that still cannot hold the parameters then next thing is increase the effluent flow and of course at the same time check the main chamber pH and increase the CO2 bubbles count if necessary.
  3. A pH controller is highly recommended.
  4. You need to understand that ORP is relative measurement, meaning there is usually poor corelation between two ORP probe so your controller setting can only be relative. Which means 350mV in one reefers tank no overdose for him might not means 350mV will not overdose in your tank. Overdose and it'll do more harm than good.
  5. Scarab, that's correct. This is the way to keep the main tank pH as high as possible w/o the use of kalkwasser. But the main chamber pH will raise to around 7.0 at the highest but it is nowhere near the main tank pH. CO2 rate abt 3 bubbles/sec. CO2 starts abt 4hrs after main lights turn on and stop 3 hrs after main lights goes off so pH in the main tank is kept high. Keith, sorry for polluting your thread, hope you don't mind.
  6. He quite skinny one.... how to block pple's way?
  7. I stopped the CO2 but keep the effluent dripping and recirculation pump running. I am running my main chamber pH at 6.35 and effluent at almost (slightly broken) continous flow. Like I mentioned using kalkwasser will help to boost up the pH but with it's down-side, but since most people are running rowaphos then who cares about PO4 right? You run your tank dkh at 10 right? There could be false consumption by calcium deposit on hot surfaces which leads to unncessary needs to overdrive the CR. Don't get me wrong, pH controller is highly recommend for a CR but I feel one should not totally rely the tunning of the CR based on the pH controller cos if the pH controller screwed up then there is a high chance for disaster to happen. It is still better to get the effluent flow and CO2 bubble rate set correctly for the tank consumption.
  8. Bro, let me explain again. With CR running, it tends to cause depressed pH in the tank which means the tank pH can get quite low at night. Worst case is when you tune your CR wrongly by high CO2 count relative to CR main chamber size. This cause excessive CO2 to be dump into your main tank causing low pH problem especially at night when the pH is at it's lowest point. So what happens when one is not sure how to tune the CR properly and uses a pH controller to control the effluent properties? Like you mentioned when you want to increase the parameters of the effluent you increased the CO2 bubble counts together with a change in the pH controller set-point, this can have an effect in the main tank's pH and if one don't monitor properly it could cause the pH to go below 7.7 or even lower. The low pH can be solved by dosing kalkwasser at night but that will cause PO4 to be pooled up in your tank and which will be released back by bacterial action as well as when the pH of the tank drops so there is con to this method. The CR should not be running 24/7, if properly tune you don't have to run it 24/7 unless your CR is under-sized for your tank. I run my CR 5hrs a day (means CO2 is injected only 5hrs a day) and this has help to keep the mininium pH at 8.00 to 8.05 in the night time. CO2 counts and effluent drip rate is held constant. If there is an increase in my tank's consumption rate then you simply increase the running hrs and vice versa. Just sharing what I have found out
  9. Another bad point as usual is overdosing which cause more harm than good.
  10. Ozone can even cause telfon to turn brittle after sometime. Unless the manufacturer says that it is ozone proof then most likely the skimmer will get damaged in the long run.
  11. pH controller is not the cure-all solution for tunning CR. You still need to set the effluent flow, CO2 bubble count and running hrs correctly for your tank. Even if you managed to use the pH controller to help you maintain the kH and Ca of your tank but CR tuned wrongly, it will also cause depressed pH in your tank.
  12. After 1st time still have 2nd time human error?
  13. You already know that your skimmer is not ozone-proof so why risk it?
  14. It never jump, it just follows it's instinct to move when the conditions is no good for him. Anemone got no eyes to see water fall
  15. Alamak, human error again. Anemone moved mainly due to two factor, light and current. No good location they will move. Anemone + SPS = Big no no.
  16. Can we do anything? Probably nothing much except to feel sad and sorry for them.
  17. wife get bonked by 3rd party and 3rd party's wife get bonked by the husband?
  18. Very soon you'll have shoes, belts, hair style, cars, wallets, handphone etc etc as status symbol lol.
  19. that is why got successful pple and CMI type arounds I think it's more like simply bo chap on their part. You already saw some young boy and gers with attitude problems here in SRC so it's not surprising to find them outside too.
  20. There is no good or bad skimmers, just one that is suitable for your tank
  21. Give them time to grow up lor. You'll be surprised how many kids are like that, what to do? Nowadays parents all super duper busy working, no time to take care of their kids and you still see government as you have more babies
  22. If take out all PO4 absorber then you better make sure your skimmer is kick-###### one
  23. I meant you pass those longan to the boy and gers lar lol.
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