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Everything posted by weileong

  1. You're not that slow today ma...... need some beer to wake you up?
  2. Eating halal food is not inconvenience lah... you want to give me English lesson? What I meant is most of we accept eating halal food as part and parcel of our lives in Singapore. You talk to people from Israel before? You see what they say about those stuffs with the halal logo?
  3. Bro Zarkon, Please read my post again. You probably not aware of how the crews on the ship works. They can be out at sea for up to a week or even longer if they had overseas mission. Our ships are all very small and packed and that does not allow for another kitchen and another cook to specially prepare the meals for probably 1 or 2 crews which has special meal requirements. Will the muslim take food prepared by non-muslim cooks? Probably not. This is not lame excuse but a restriction on board ship due to the lack of space. Now if we operate large ships like cruiser or aircraft carrier then you can have as many kitchens as you want. If you are not aware, they do have a separate muslim section cookhouse at the naval base and there they cater for the muslim. Yes there are muslims in the navy but none onboard ship for the reasons I already mentioned. I feel that most of us have already accept the inconvience as part and parcel of our life, chinese eat Halal food, muslim and hindu having to put up with the burning of all the joss sticks, paper offering etc.
  4. My reply was not against you but to relate the facts so other readers can understand better. Most reefers here would be from the Army so they might not know what's going on in the navy and airforce.
  5. Any good PC submarine simulation games to recommendation? Best is those online ones..
  6. Like I said, the Navy and air forice is made up so 90% for more regulars. How many Malays are willing to sign-on as regulars? If you work in the navy before you will know how many Indians there are in the navy. I already explain the reasons why no Muslims are posted onboard ships as the space is limited there and not possible to have two separate galley (Naval Term for Kitchen). I bet with you out of 10 naval service man onboard ship you get more than 3 Indians So I don't see how racist can come into play??? By ethical population ratio in the year 2000 we have chinese with 76.8%, Malay 13.9% and Indian 7.9%, the rest 1.4% Taken off this site. http://www.singstat.gov.sg/keystats/c2000/indicators.pdf It's not so much about racist like what weisoon has explained.
  7. Before you talk about that... look at the biggest picture, there are certain reasons. What is the ratio of chinese to Indians and Malays and other races? If you talk about the low numbers of Malays and Indian in the Arm forces then what about the Eurasian? Even more rare?? In the navy there is a particular reasons why you have almost zero malays, that is because they have special requirement for their food, you certainly can't cater a muslim kitchen and muslin cook just for the muslims on-board the ship. In this case better to exclude them on ship postings. You do see quite a lot of Indians in the Navy if you're not aware. This is again taking into account the ratio of Chinese vs Indians. Regulars make up bigger part of the Navy and Air force as well, you go ask how many Malays or Indians are willing to sign-on?
  8. For 3x3 area and SPS better to go for LA3 (non-mini) with 400W but slight problem as the 400W MH might burn the softies and LPS since the height is only 1.5ft. 250W with LA3 mini might have sufficient coverage at the sides..
  9. I interpret that as the photos should be close to what you see in person?
  10. Alfa, you gotta accept that there are all different types of person in this world. The world will not change for you. You adapt or you loose out that's all. Oh yes where's your NSA friend? No news from him? I am sure all of us are eagerly waiting for the answer Not to defend Alanseah but I still wondering where in the world he said no photoshop is allow??? Can point out or not? I tried to find in this thread but cannot find.
  11. It was stanley that shot down the sun Too bright till his acros cannot be seen ma.
  12. Avarta using AT too common now.... so I change to my chio trigger lol.
  13. No trend one lar..... how come talk abit and become trend already?
  14. Francis, I am okie on that part. In fact you can see from the past few threads I also keep quiet. This time a little difference, got some undesirable character throwing abuse around town so gotta tekan a bit.
  15. This one also start to bleach but very fast starting to color up again lol
  16. ya I support you.... help you post photos... Due to the 9 sun.... too much lights.... Reefaholic acros bleached.
  17. due to too high temp, reefaholic whole house trip and all the sun go into hiding.
  18. chey.... tot your house got 3 sun.....
  19. You can read more more about the Xanthichthys here. http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-05/hcs3/index.php
  20. I would say that the saturation does affect the colors we see. The higher the saturation the richer the colors. The exposure used does affect the saturation. You under expose by 1 stop then adjust the histrogram/level which is equvialent to your levels and contrast and that can change the colors as well. BH, don't worry and don't get too sensitive, we're not implying you change the hue of your photos As long as the photos reflects close to real life views of your corals then it would be fine.
  21. ya a lot of questions asked hor. You so sure the acros color up within 4 days? You so sure the photos are taken 4 days apart? You so sure no post-processing was done to the photos? What else? summary lei.... Come on lar.. think out of the box
  22. So many false claims....... and everyone gang up against him... you think he will appear?
  23. If you so keen you go dig him out lor.... I dunno where to find him one hor...... Okie lar you not as bad as the other guy that put out name list somemore... not scared walk on the streets bird shit drop on his head?
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