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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Why quote only 50% of my sentence? What about the other part giving him chance to come and explain everything? With the constant aggressive comments against him especially from AlfaRomeo. Do you think that helps with the situation? He should go face the mirror and take a look at himself before commenting again.
  2. forums with Moderators only and w/o active users will not survive, that makes sense and pretty neutral comments. IMHO only.
  3. Another addition to FOWLR. Pinktail trigger - Melichthys vidua
  4. Francis..... Good example right? See my previous post
  5. Francis, What I posted is my opinion only and I do not speak on behalf of Alan. Agreed that he still has to answer to give. I am not saying that his actions are totally right, I already said he made a mistake, are you guys giving him a chance to come out to clear the air? Just look at the way Alfa is bombing him non-stop. Had I not try to put a stop to it you think this won't erupt into a full time personal attack on Alan? From all your post I know you're not condemning him but you can't say the same for every other reefers that has posted here. Some got way too personal and attack not the issue but the person and worst of all got reefer thinking of how he look like. That is the difference.
  6. diabolus, remember this is my opinion. Oh ya..... after hearing from you.. now I know you are the most garang here ..... the main difference between you and him is that you are garang and quick to admit your mistake while he has no chance to do so yet with your constant firing here. Well done Can't beat you on that
  7. That uses stainless steel probe which has potential issues for corrosion under long term use in seawater.
  8. I post my views and opinion with explanations. You didn't do the same. If like you said, posting one wrong photos and he should be condemn then what can I said about you?
  9. Don't tell me you never posted wrong photos before? You telling me I cannot offer my views and opinion here? Please clarify your post and intention.
  10. Alfa, pls refer to my previous post. He might have post the wrong photo
  11. Let me present my point about this issue. This thread started mainly due Alan's previous posts which were not phrase properly which has cause some unhappiness with some reefers. If you re-read his first two posts with another mindset, you would read that what he asked for is to post photos of your SPS with just natural lights (diffused sunlight) or home lighting only. What he meant is that some people use blue MH lights and/or lower quality camera that could not present the actual colors of the sps as seen by the ###### eye. You can tell you from those very blue photos as some reefers had posted in this forum. The 2nd post is just calling out to all reefers including those with TOTMs to support and post their SPS photos on the thread. I respect and accept the views of some reefers who posted in this thread so far. He might have made a mistake by posting the wrong photo or whatsoever; he is not the first person doing that. I am very sure some of you had been doing that. You know who you are it’s only that no one expose you only as you had not really pissed some reefers off. If you had done that before, you’re fit to come and comment on what he has done.
  12. Hi Bob, Welcome to SRC. Wish you could visit us more often to share your views and experiences with our members here. Once again, welcome to SRC
  13. No lar.... reefaholic now very busy that's why not much post
  14. well..... is that post necessary at all? Certainly not right? Case closed
  15. Hi Andy, That's fine but can you explain the intention of your original post??
  16. I wanna chio bu (with less clothes) photos..... not some lousy stuffs lol.....
  17. I also wonder if reefers would like to know how you look like? Alanseah might have cause some unhappiness in the forums but do you think it is appropriate to put up his photo here? I am sure no one likes that. My advise for you, don't get too personal, he has never cross your path. My 2 cents.
  18. I scared you'll start bleeding from everywhere ah.......
  19. Give you two slap.... never see ger b4?
  20. got more cool one or not? this one very cool but still not enuff lol
  21. I never say hor... I quote from you only.
  22. holy cow.... you can suddenly jump out from bed one huh? Tonight too hot for you lar.... go cool yourself down
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