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Everything posted by weileong

  1. oh well.. there goes the famous "prata" again lol.... Few simple rules. 1. Minimise/prevent micro bubbles formation coming down from overflow. (Yes it can be done). 2. Properly design baffles system in the sump. Actual design depends on actual flow thru, location of source of micro bubbles/skimmer return pipe, main overflow pipe, location of return pump. You need to give more details on the actual layout of your stuffs, eg return pipe, skimmer, etc etc then maybe post in this thread and we can all discuss and help you. Sometimes even the tank maker might miss out some details.... once design is wrong then have to redo again which is very PITA. Micro bubbles problem will haunt you for many sleepless nights
  2. Different concept of skimming, becketts are non-recirculating so they use bruteforce type skimming where they depends on high turnover rate for skimming. You need to factor in the head lost from the OR6500 as well. Anyone had the flow chart? Let's say after headlost about 4000 l/h and so actual sump turnover is about 12,000 l/h. Just about there, 2x the skimmer turnover.
  3. 2xMD100 estimated around 5000 l/h after becket injector but actual figures might varies depending on actual design of the skimmer. You need a much higher sump turnover rate than 5000 l/h because your water that is returned from your sump to your main tank will mix with the water in your main tank so the water that gets feed into the skimmer will not be 100% unskimmed water, in the end DOC still gets broken down. With that high flow going thru the sump, your sump should have properly design baffles to kill the bubbles, if not micro bubbles problems in your sump. If not you'll end up using sponge to kill the bubbles and this ends up high maintenance issues as they can be nitrate factories.
  4. mine live till 17+yrs. Also died due to kidney failure caused by diabetes. Usually they have diabetes first and if not treat early then end up kidney failure. I had friends in the US who keep kitty up to 20+yrs but they go on diabetes tablets/jabs.
  5. Sometimes "diatoms" like brown film are caused by the wavemaker drawing nutrients floating near the surface water and blasting them onto the tank walls.
  6. Okie lar.... like you said (pls read the post below). http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...05entry414099 Do agree with your post and certainly understand why Alanseah was bombed heavily in this thread. Misunderstanding has to be sorted out ASAP especially in the world of internet where information can be pass from one party to the other party and in the process information lost causing false information. Now what is happening is that everyone thinks that they are right. If this is not sorted out this misunderstanding going to carry on forever and you will have the same old incident happening over and over again. My advise is for concerned parties to sort out their misunderstanding before the thing blow out of proportion once again. I do agree that Alanseah's word sometimes are harsh and some post are not appropriate as well but at times do read beyond the words and get the true meaning of his post. Meanwhile don't fire any ammo on me hor.
  7. Okie lar, Ma Xiao Ling never chao keng I a little pissed too. Next time kopi and laska on me hor... (Stanley don't angry hor).
  8. Don't push all the blame to me.... you don't like meh?
  9. This is an open thread and like you said everyone is entitled to his own opinion and everyone can reply to every other post. If not why do you see some totally unrelated reefers also put one leg in? If you do not like my tone then I give you my apology, maybe it's the words used. I do not like the tone of your post either in this thread. Certainly we all don't own SRC and only AT owns SRC. But if I own SRC you know who is the first person that will go So :peace: okie?
  10. Well he has posted his views and opinion. Accept it or not up to you. You want to be recall clerk and check pple go overseas got notify unit or not har? If you and your buddy die die want to kill him and get him out of SRC then please state so and we don't have to waste our time here with endless discussions.
  11. With the performance taken into account, the price is not as high as it seems.
  12. All photos taken from Reefkeeping. http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-03/hcs3/index.php
  13. Simon, all hopes not lost, you still have you sump One last one for you
  14. Another one.... Pervagor spilosoma 101% not reef-safe. Filefish feeds on sps polyps.
  15. This one for you DA Not in my reef hor.. taken from reefkeeping.
  16. we waiting to see the results.... photo photo
  17. Does your salifin hide in the rock at night or swim ard? You can try this, suddenly off the lights in your house so that tank is dark and give just sufficient lights so you can see the shadow of your salifin. This way the fish cannot see you while you can see the fish and you can net the fish out.
  18. This method can work but maintenance is very high. Very soon you'll find yourself laxing on the maintenance and nutrients will slowly built up and then problems with high nutrients will slowly creep in.
  19. Wow sounds like CSI lei. I have some query on your conclusion. timeline 4:22 and 4:29. Are you very sure Alan's PC clock was sync with the clock on the Server hosting SRC? Timeline 4:06, based on what you said he is challenging TOTMs? This is again based on your opinion.
  20. Very soon you see the artifical sandbed encrusted with coraline algae and no more natural sandbed look.
  21. The BK is using a modified Red Dragon pump with Titanium needlewheel impeller. The pump iself is very strong so that gives the high air injection and fine bubbles.
  22. No problem one. You want people to clear things up yet you all still shoot and shoot then how? You dunno in the army, if you continue to bomb and bomb your enemy will go into retreat. You go count how many vs one reefer here you know liao.
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