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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by weileong

  1. If no reefing then go out cheong more lor, then you'll see if she prefers you to reef or cheong Lol... joking anyway, I guess you need the understanding from your other half, this is very important for this hobby. I am lucky that my wife helps me to take care of the reef when I go out of town. Was trying to train her to become a zeohead lol.
  2. If you could keep the parameters stable and no freak accident then I am sure they will color up soon.
  3. Yes Riot that's the one. Was wondering what acro was that as I can't see it clearly from the photos. Not really brown lar.
  4. Riot, do you have a close-in shot of the pink acro at the upper right sideof the photo?
  5. Looking great Riot, keep us updated.
  6. clown trigger go CF buy, abt 8" big one See the teeth you also scared already. The other one is go borrow from Henry, he got a big picasso in his tank
  7. lol... I supposed more important is to know the rough net volume instead of guessing as most people just apply an estimation of abt 80% of the gross volume of the tank as the net volume. But since you setting up a new tank then spend that little extra effort to find out
  8. won't it be a little if you spend sometime to cook/cure your LR first then take the time to catch out those nasty crabs? I seriously doubt the trigger or fishes can finish all the crabs within 2 weeks.
  9. I guess easier way would be to see how much water the LR displace separately in another container. That was how I did it. With that then I have a better idea of the benchmark for my zeovit dosages.
  10. When I went BB that time, I took the chance to measure the volume taken up by my LR and SPS
  11. I have a 3x1.5x1.5ft sump tank = 191litres that is 90% filled and that adds 172litres to my net volume. 4x2x2.5ft = 566 litres, minus LR and SPS etc = 490litres. Remember we're talking about net volume with the water volume in the sump taken into account. Different tanks are different so the dosage can only be taken as a rough guide. You can try increasing the dosage provided you do not overdose (watch out signs for excess dosage).
  12. put more fan and blow harder lor. Then your chiller will feel very shiok liao.
  13. In this case your chiller might be just bother line only so in the event of hot weather the chiller would be working very hard. Have you tried to install a fan for the main tank?
  14. sai yan her a bit after you sia yan the reef, then should be okie lar lol or only meddle with the reef after she go to bed.
  15. get humo humo, or clown trigger, CF got a few ard 10" ones... that one confirm finish all the crab
  16. If you never try it you won't have the confident. But you can see how many success case vs failure for hypo treatment. So far only know 1 or 2 case not successful and they can be tracked back due to not able to keep the sg at the recommended levels.
  17. Mine eats pellets. Seems like having some fishes that eats pellets will help. They will "monkey see monkey do".
  18. Get a bluechin lar..... more common Which means you can afford to take your time to choose a really good one.
  19. rainbow seems to be purple body with either orange,brown or red polyps... i didn't see it clearly but wil check tomorrow after lights on.
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