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Everything posted by weileong

  1. I scared wait go asexual then whole tank wiped out. Cos I setting up my I~Reg now so need a reliable algae.
  2. It walked around, very fun to watch initally. Then get very aggressive when comes to feeding time, fight for food, very "excited" then topple my corals.
  3. pls PM me if interested. Best if you can collect ASAP.
  4. sorry what I have is the 2026 and not 2028. The model numbers very confusing. from ehiem website. Ehiem Professional II canister filters
  5. measured the pH just before I came to work and true enuff it was 7.9. Need to boost up the kH heheh.
  6. I've a 2028 currently in use but will let go once my I~Ref is ready. Estimated about one month's time. The 2028 pro II is less than 2 months old. The ceramic rings brand new. Blue colored filter brand new. I will throw in one bag of unused zoolite which is bigger bag than the one that came with the 2028. The whilte filter already used so you need to buy new one. Asking for $100.
  7. I wrote to the online shop to ask for shipping cost but haven't get any reply. Hiak, have to write again. End of this week is thanksgiving I think they will be on holiday.
  8. how are these boxer shrimps? Heard the yellow banded ones are safer?
  9. Currently using the canister filter and will be removing it gradually as my refrugium is ready. Currenty main water circulation is done with the canister output into a rain bar, can see the corals waving gently in the water. Secondary circulation done with a SICCA NOVO tune to the lowest 25% output. Had installed a I~Ref and using a Wei Pro 500 pump which is rated for 600l/h. However the water flow seems like super slow like that. Once I removed the canister I will need a pump to take over the circulation. I end up with 3 pumps in the tank which is kind of messy. Thought of getting one more high flow external pump like the ehiem 1250 or 1060 (which is rated for 1200l/h and 2280l/h respectively) for to replace the 3 pumps . Then by using T-joint and ball valve to control the flow into the I~ref and for water cirulation. As the pump is external it will help to reduce a bit on the heat too. The problem I can think off if the pump breaks down then totally no water circulation in the tank. Please give your opinion.
  10. that big change will definately stress my poor fishes. Dosing of kH buffer in progress, will take a few days to get it up to 10 dkh. Let's see how it turns out.
  11. It just suddenly grow from the LR out of nowhere. from one tiny one and grew to more than 10x the size in 3 weeks.
  12. Please see the photo. A bit badly taken Was at a LFS today and was told the small fern is good for Refugium, not sure if that is true pls advise.
  13. wow $150, more cost than what I paid for the I~ref.
  14. MH off and left actinic on, then saw my two skunk clown there and the skunk shrimps "cleaning" them. Thought of getting one or two cleaner shrimps to add to the tank. Is that advisable?
  15. Will the pH go down or go up? ---- dunno why nowadays brains and fingers work differently. I meant to say the pH is 8.57.
  16. Thanks for the advise, I got the 480mm long one. Will be getting rid of my canister filter once I get the I~ref run in. How long do you think I should let this transition period last?
  17. Going to install the I~ref tonight. Already bought one bag of #0 sand. Just like to know how thick I can add the sand. Can I fill all the way so that the sand depth same level as the overflow compartment? Will that cause any problem or the depth should be a bit lower?
  18. Just like to check if anyone had experience using the seachem metronidazole and focus soaked food for feeding the fishes and yet it is reef safe?
  19. blu_surf, wow yours seems more "tekong" than mine! Pls share some tips
  20. AquaC also must have an internal pump too.
  21. Measured last night. Not sure if they are fine especially the dkh. I've already dose and increase the Ca to 420ppm. Carbonate Hardness = 6 dkh. Ca = 400ppm NH3 = 0ppm NO2 = 0ppm NO3 = 5ppm PO4 = 0ppm All measured with Sera testkit. Most of them left over from my FW tank so just use until finish.
  22. Was thinking of getting a cleaner wrasses too, just wondering how safe are this fish? pls help advise cos don't want another mistake.
  23. http://www.mops.ca/products/CACL-AF9505.htm Anyone tried this website? It says that will ship anywhere with UPS service. Perhaps we can pool and order together to save on shipping.
  24. I've two of these skunk cleaner shrimps. one pair of pink Skunk Clownfish and 2 other clownfish and some corals in my tank. One of the pink skunk clownfish kanna ich and always swims to the cleaner shrimps and then tail up and head down. The clean shrimps just ignore the clownfish. I thought they supposed to help clean the parasite from the fish? If I buy somemore shrimps, can you recommend a better shrimps to buy that will clean the fish?
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