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Everything posted by weileong

  1. wow....... got such offer? Tomorrow I go your sump net hor. Must control the speed properly so can net more mysis.
  2. Besides the color to worry about, you've the flow too. The A. gemmifera obviously requires strong current. Too bad with my 3x6100 and red dragon still seems insufficient to keep the thick branches so they are getting thinner. I guess next time just skip these type of ultra difficult acros, less headaches.
  3. You could downgrade to a 1.5ft reef tank Solved your problem. Then perhaps your $20 air driven skimmer would work wonders.
  4. play computer and photo where got fight with the dragon? if you are the dragon then win liao, endure endure a bit confirm have super clean water and super nice sps one. One dragon takes all!
  5. Okie lar, save the $20 air driven skimmer, order NSW daily and make water change daily. power power man.
  6. That's a good idea isn't it? But depends on different person. Some will spend more on equipment and then make sure their LS are well taken care off. Some will save on equipments but keep buying LS. Do you see a lot of reefers complaining about problems which are all cause by poor nutrients managment?
  7. wow one day must feed how many times to pump till like that?
  8. A. gemmifera is even worst, you think it is doing well... then you use your bare hands to touch it and almost immediately you see your "fingerprints" on the corals, the nutrients from your fingers contaminated the A. gemmifera tissue. Move it around a bit it'll brown up and it might not recover it's original color.
  9. BH, that is not the main reason. If what you said is true then those table millepora would be at the same difficulty as the hyanchitus too. The hyanchitus requires very stable water to do well, that is why I always stress on stability.
  10. Now I understand why you're asking SPS requires stable water parameters, good diffuse water current and water that is poor in nutrients. Our aim in keeping SPS is to make them grow and maintain their colors. It is not good enuff to keep the SPS barely alive with whole tank full of brown sticks. In general, sps from Fiji are more difficult compared to those from Indonesia as the water in fiji are much cleaner. You can read this sticky thread for more details. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1629
  11. Difficult: A. Hyanchitus, A. gemmifera Easy: Staghorn, monti etc.
  12. Just a small hang on filter and small pump for water circulation will do the trick.
  13. choose your skimmer properly. Best way is to ask those ex-users because sometimes current users still not yet found the problem with their existing skimmers. The other way is to see which type of skimmer pple always selling. Oh how often you see a deltec skimmer for sales?
  14. you want? quickly come over. I pass you my skimmate.
  15. almost all hatched by tomorrow morning all will be gone.
  16. If redo your piping then do use proper fittings.
  17. my lyretail and bicolor are the sole survivor in my tank.
  18. 3 months seems a little too short to tell the effects, we need like 6-8months or better still 1 year.
  19. Get rid of the filter box. If you can, get a sump as you can hide all your supporting equipments in it. If you want to get a sump then you'll need a hang on overflow box. A protein skimmer is highly recommended. A small pump for water circulation. Some ways of cooling down the tank will be helpful too if you want to keep corals. You didn't tell us what LS you intend to keep.
  20. Just add on to what Simon says, Phoenix 14kk will bring out more fluorescence effects on the corals so the SPS always seems nicer. However due to the power PAR and poor spectrum very soon the SPS will turn darker. You should try something like a milepora or yellow corals
  21. when the bulb spectrum and PAR is not right the sps tissue will slowly turn brown. Ask those using phoenix 14kk for long time to fix in a BLV10kk bulb and see the colors of their acro. Don't get fooled by blue bulbs.
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