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Everything posted by weileong

  1. aquaC remora is hang on tank! How thick glass your 2ft using? If not thick enuff hang too many things later crack!
  2. eheim pumps are not so warm! Try those china made pumps and you'll know
  3. After many suggestion and consideration here's what I've done. Raise MH from 3" to 5" from water surface. This is the max acceptable height without causing too much glare when looking at the tank. AT-106 (85W) return pump is turned off. Oceanfree 9000 (80W) for skimmer is turned off. Only pump running is 2x 6010 tunze streams and 1260 (used externally) driving the chiller output back to tank (now acting as only return pump). Time Chiller Temp 2x36W PL running 08:16 25.0 Compressor OFF 11:45 25.2 2x250W MH ON 2x36W PL OFF 14:12 26.5 Compressor ON 14:16 26.6 14:20 26.7 15:13 26.6 15:20 25.5 15:28 26.4 15:35 26.3 15:42 26.2 15:50 26.1 15:57 26.0 16:07 25.9 recording was interrupted for 23mins hence no data avaliable 16:30 25.6 16:41 25.5 16:49 25.4 16:58 25.3 17:07 25.2 17:17 25.1 17:26 25.0 Compressor OFF 17:29 24.9 17:31 24.8 17:36 24.7 With 2x250W MH Time taken to cool 1.8 degs = 3hrs 14min With 2x36W PL Time taken to raise 1.6 degs = 5hr 56min This is big difference compared to the earlier test conducted with the other 2 high powered pump running. Judging from this improved results the estimated chiller run time per 24 hr would drop by abt 3-4hrs but only can confirm after the whole test period of 24hrs is completed. To be continued.......
  4. if it keeps on staying near the surface and like breathing difficulty that means going to "report back" already. If your clown is near it will take a while for it to get used to the new tank.
  5. these are caused by SiO2 in your water. You must have used tapwate for setting up your tank and top up water. If your tank is new then this is part of the cycling process and they will go away once the SiO2 are used up. BTW how's the anemone?
  6. I stay in Haig Road that's in the east, near Geyland. What about you? Courier sounds like a great idea heheh. LUM
  7. ON ah, I will exchange my right side with your left side. Then you no need to buy new one and I've a spare one
  8. lol. Looks like it's good if you buy the new glove then can share the other pc with other pple. I've one pair too and the right hand side never use
  9. No issue because the TUBBY has two float switch. Just position them nicely then no crazy ON/OFF operation. Now I estimate my tubby runs like 3-4 times day at the most. Not too sure cos I can't be sitting there 24hrs a day.
  10. sell to me sell to me, is your left side brand new unused? I am left hander. If used one then I dun want liao
  11. the level difference as I noticed is very little perhaps less than 5mm. Difficult to measure so cannot tell you. The horizontal floats requires you to drill for installation. Not sure if you can make a bracket for it.
  12. I think whatever pump you use, on/off so many times a day very soon it will spoilt one.
  13. depending on size, around $120 like that.
  14. actually how do you determine if the flow is sufficient?
  15. 5 pairs only Bo pian, gotta make daughter happy then wife see liao also happy then I can be happy
  16. my 4ft is still stocking up 30% filled with corals only and won't be adding any new LS until the algae phase is over, probably in 6 months to one yrs time. Very long time to endure I've joined the bulk order for the resun MD55 and still waiting for delivery. Too much equipments actually and some had to be on the floor so getting a 2ft cube with cabinet for seahorse then those MD55 noisy stuffs will go into the cabinet which will be sound proof.
  17. on top of the grade 1 still got abt 0.5" of grade 0 sand, those are not affected. Guess that's because I aim the tunze onto the rock works. But the ways those corals wave in the water is very cool! Wave wave then stop then wave wave again heheh.
  18. Mine also up the lorry liao. Now waiting to change to ehiem pump too. How's the new pump running? Great? After changing the pump, I will just let it run for say 30mins a day. I guess not really necessarry to run that often.
  19. Hiak, after I reduce my PO4 to zero ($$$ Rowaphos) still got green algae. Nitrate also around 0.5ppm, still algae, I guess every tank has to go thru this phase, reduce NO3,PO4 to zero will only reduce and not totally prevent.
  20. what???? they recommended a 1/3hp ??? Judging from the way the 0.5hp TECO runs, I think the 1/3hp is going to run 24hrs a day turning my place into a desert. Actually still don't feel as hot as the desert cos it goes up to 42degs in the day and 38degs at night, that's during summer in Arizona
  21. am using 2 6010 in my 4ft and sandbed don't even moved. Was considering adding one more 6100 for the other corner
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