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Everything posted by weileong

  1. wow sebuay chio man! What else chio bu you have in your tank? quick owe up!!! Hey can I go view your tank or not
  2. More than 30km/h less than 40km/h = $170 fine and 5 points. Usually your speedo shows a slightly higher speed than the actual speed so you might just get away with $150 fine and 3 points that is for speeding of more than 20km/h and less then 30km/h. This is only true if I remember correctly, cos got caught for speeding more than 10 yrs back when I was younger. Now good boy liao Cos need the NOD of 5% lol.
  3. bro, can you post your updated photo of the other fishes or not? Wait those fishes (eg Cardinals etc) all angry then leave you then you know
  4. From what I heard, AVA only issues license for two types of coral under CITIES. That is for acro and clams only. If that is true that means the rest all illegal already. Softies are not under CITIES right? That's why after the red, can only see softies for sale in the PR LFS.
  5. is the price increased due to the EURO which is at an all time high? Previously old stock so can sell at cheaper price.
  6. with made in china products, many non-china made ones would look over-priced.
  7. Just to clear the misunderstanding in case you think I am crazy to pay for the regulator. I meant when I said "I bought" to be buy for my office Personally I am using the $60 type too with solenoid valve and a good needle valve and that has worked very well for more than 3 yrs for me.
  8. Industrial one? I bought teflon coated ones around $1K. Brass one around $300 can get. That is why I said relatively speaking. Fish tank one around $60 (w/o solenoid) can get, but you gotta be careful like what cookie said don't open too much else you burst the guage.
  9. The guage near the cylinder (with the green lettering) is to tell you the pressure of the cylinder. The guage (with the red lettering) is to tell you the output pressure from the regulator. The brass one on the bottom is the needle valve but from the look of it, it is low quality and you will find it very difficult to adjust to the low count needed. It is also very prone to leakage. Do a leak test and you'll be surprised. For CO2 you can just use all brass regulators and they are not too expensive (relatively speaking). You can buy those industrial types. If you buy a proper regulator you can open the main valve fully and it will not be damaged.
  10. My macro algae, still got space to squeeze more algae
  11. his car is auto so not much engine brake. Obviously everyone has their own opinion and view of what's right and wrong. No point talking abt it anymore, do you think the other party will buy your opinion? Wait long long
  12. six-line wrasse also same shape as cleaner wrasse but diff color too
  13. It didn't state the HP on the compressor but it state the model and brand of the compressor. Then by referring from the manufacturer's website, get the model and so it's rating in watts. I am not judging by size but rather but by the power rating of the compressor. Makes me wonder how the manufacturer rates the power of their chiller
  14. Did you actually go measure the power consumption ??? If you got time, go open up your RA680 then check the compressor specs and you will know it is 0.25hp and drawing about 200Watt But good to know it's small and small electrical consumption.
  15. Irene's LFS Alamak! If really what you ID then not reef safe already.
  16. If I am not wrong, for 150W and 250W colorlite, it comes only in DE. 400W and 1000W comes in SE. AT using the ushino 400W blue, blends very nicely with his 6500k sakis. BLV markets it as the blue bulbs in the colorlite series.
  17. Yes they are avaliable. They are the same ones from the colorlite series. Some pple called it marine blue or blue bulb. I've ordered one but been waiting for one until my hair almost turn white.
  18. Saw in Paris Ris, quite nice but can't ID. Taken with phone camera so a bit low quality. Reef safe???
  19. that is from your perspective. You just endangered the lifes of all parties in the two cars and probably any other 3rd parties on the rd as well. For example what if another bikes crash into the cabby after it crashed into you and the bikers gets hurt or worst lost his life? So who caused the accident? Can this be avoided by you having applying some defensive action like releasing the accelerator and letting the car slow down and that will surely get him off your back. If you had been driving on the rd daily then you would not feel scared at all as tailgating are quite common on the rd. Worst if you get pushed by others when you can even see the pimples on their face and you can't even see their headlight. So everytime you get someone tailgate/push you, you tap the brakes!! No wonder insurance premium shots up. I've to tell you I hate cabbies too!!!
  20. then you be prepared to get sue in court for road bully Didn't you just did the same to the cabby? by "tapping" on your brakes? From what you just mentioned, sounds like your driving skill is damn poor.
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