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Everything posted by weileong

  1. what's the wattage of your UV and flow rate?
  2. sorry abt the bad incident. Any other tips or things I should look out for?
  3. The size of the gate valve is 1.5". You can go to the hardware shops and buy those 40mm/1.5" PVC fittings and tubes. It will work. Cos I am using it now If you use your EV-240 out of sump, remember to elevate it so that the water from the gateway only need to flow downwards. It cannot flow upwards. For the water inlet, use ehiem 16/22 tubing and perfect fit.
  4. Tentatively settled for the following. Tank = 2ft cube. Substrate = 0.5-1" sandbed with grade o sand (1 bag), actually will grade 1 be better? Total water weight after substrate and overflow = 21-21.5" Lighting = 1x150W with 2x24W actinic PL to simulate dust/dawn, thinking of getting from octopus bay 2ft MH. Planting some long seaglass for seahorse. Should be quite settle already Following will be the fun time to setup and get everything running.
  5. My tetra test kit always show a false value which is higher.
  6. Kent Garlic Xtreme is better. Was using Garlic guard and my blue tang kanna ich, condition quite terlok and refused to eat. Then I switched to Gerlic Xtreme and it started to eat again. Only bite the mysis but split out initally. But better than totally no interest (when using garlic guard).
  7. I using 2x6010 in 4ft. So far no havoc in fact I feel like not enuff current so going to add one 6100 soon. Really regret never go with 2x6100 since the price is a little bit more only.
  8. I've read the seahorse.org website but they did not give very precise answer that I need and that is why I am confirming with those that are actually keeping seahorse now to see if my idea will work or not. Most sites says min of 2-3x the length of seahorse when fully stretched but did not say how long are the length. I guess I'll just have 0.5" or 1" sandbed in the 2ft. So I will settle for 21" total water depth. If the seahorse is 6" like brother chinmo's then it will need 18" so I've slightly more than 3x the length. Don't think a 2-3" sandbed will be much difference from a 0.5-1" sandbed so I will save the money on the sand and stick with max water depth. For example they mentioned seahorse don't like very bright lights but that is quite relative speaking. Due to this I am not sure if 150W MH is out cos I could keep calms in the 2ft. As for lights I'll like to have the highest intensity possible without affecting the seahorse. Good to know possible to use 4x36W PL as I can grow macroalgae in the tank so it helps to reduce the nitrates. But if using this might as well go for 150W MH? Heat is not a problem as I've a overspecs chiller running in the 4ft. As for the too strong current, I still do not have an idea how strong is too strong, maybe just install ball valve and play with the flow. Bubbles would be really bad idea for the tank so need to take very good care of it too. I supposed a temp of 25-26.5 is good for the seahorse. For the pipefish I am intending to get maybe 4 different types so should not have problems with the males fighting. Wow getting very excited especially seeing all those nice seahorse you guys having now
  9. sometimes they just forgot got gantry and suddenly the ERP gantry appears in front and so they suddenly e-brake and stop there. Then if you super suay and you bang into them then they claim your insurance
  10. Nickel don't forgot me hor, trying to setup a seahorse + pipefish tank now. You setup yours earlier right so pls help
  11. UV spans from 100-400nm if I remember correctly. UV-A 320-400nm UV-B 280–320nm UV-C 200-280nm UV-B cause sunburn FYI.
  12. UV-C is the most harmful. The Ozone layer in our atmosphere actually blocks all the UV-C.
  13. I thought it was 270 degs. Ah I see again and it's in degs F heheheh.
  14. what's the dimension of the tank, thickness etc?
  15. You might like to try the Lexan Thermoclear, absorbs more than 99% of UV but cuts the visible down to abt 80+ percent. This world is never too perfect
  16. If the purpose of the air-dryer unit is to clean up the air then you will see carbon being used in the unit. The presence of water vapour will reduce the efficiency of the unit as it is considered and interference component to O3 generators. If the O3 generator uses high voltage to generate O3 then the moisture will reduce the dielectric voltage so the O3 generator is less efficient. If the O3 generator uses UV to generate O3 then the moisture will absorb the UV which also reduce the efficiency of the O3 generator.
  17. why don't you get another strip that takes the Singapore type plug then problem solved already?
  18. almost perfect but need more overlap for the frames.
  19. Planning my seahorse tank so need all the expert here to advise and see if the information I gather is correct. I have already read all the message in this seahorse/pipefish forum + those websites recommended. Will be using a 2ft cube. Overflow box will be 2" down from top of tank so max water height will be 22" Just considering setting up a DSB of 4" with grade 0 sand. Is 18" height enought for the seahorse. Read all the website and they recommend a height of 2-3x that length of adult seahorse which is usually 6". If 18" height is too little then I will just go with 0.5" sandbed and have 21.5" water depth for the seahorse. For LS wise in my 2ft cube, I am intending to keep a few pairs of different seahorse, some pipefish and maybe some goby. Is 3 pairs of seahorse and say 3-4 pairs of pipefish + one or 2 more peaceful goby adviseable or already overstocked? Filtration will sharing the sump with my 4ft reef tank and return using probably a 1260 or 1250 then go back to tank and a rainbar to diffuse the flow. Is this a good idea? Lights wise will be using probably 2x36W PL. Then grow some macro algae in the tank too. I also read LR are not suitable cos it will injury the seahorse so in this case how to "plant" the macro algae? I think too many questions and I hope the experts don't feel too tired and pls advise. Thanks.
  20. My EV-240 uses 1.5" gate valve. The smaller series using smaller one.
  21. Go to Suntec Vinmart and they sell the multi-extension coil that have the German type plug. I remember it does not cost $300+
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