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Everything posted by weileong

  1. I guess it's nuking time already. Saw at least 10 or more easily. I just zoom into a small area of my buttons. They are the same color as my buttons, no wonder sometimes they refuse to open.
  2. That is another solution but won't it be wasting power to reduce the bubbling by cutting down the air? The extra flow surely I can put to better use like return to my 2ft cube SH tank. Then I might be able to cut down on an extra pump. I'll see how it goes heheh. I am sure the MD55 will be more than sufficient to drive the EV-240. Just regret never buy another unit during the bulk order. Anyone knows where else I can buy one?
  3. I scared too high flow later too much foam flood the collection cup. The user manual warned to install ball valve to reduce flow if the pump too powerful. After seeing Rodian's new pump with the EV-240, I've to upgrade my pump liao. Tomorrow go pump hunting. Going broke again. Tell me where you bought your pump before you go out!!!
  4. That is one of my option at this moment. Will Tee the excess flow to maybe act as return to my 2ft cube SH tank. Bro Roidan, can this pump be use externally? Hmm... at this probably probably more worth to get the MD55. See how lar.
  5. wow so fast skim so much already? Where did you set the water level? How much did you close the gate valve? If gate valve fully open, where is the water level? How much is the pump? How big is the pump? Sorry hor ask too much question.
  6. wait for your good news. Let me know how much it cost hor. I guess maybe get another MD55 better if the cost is not much difference cos pressure rated. Dunno anyone got pressure rated pump want to let go or not!
  7. How much you asking for? Also is this DIY type or the commerical one?
  8. I dunno if my secondary chemistry textbook still around, give to you lar, more than 20 yrs at least Maybe when you touch it the paper will disintegrate liao. I go home search if got then you can come collect.
  9. maybe you try to shift the inlet and output to opposite side of the tank, this will make the chiller run longer to cool 2 degs so it won't ON/OFF so many times. Maybe your internal pumps are heating up the water? I know the atman pumps are well known to be hot!
  10. it takes 10 mins to raise 2 degs? Is the intake and return of the chiller very close? I presume you don't have a sump?
  11. errmmm... what's MCDS? If I were you I will be at the canteen drinking coffee and surfing this forum heheheh.
  12. Now I set the water level 2" up the foam tower. Ah the skimmer so much better now. But still I will look into a stronger pump.
  13. Here's what I got from AquaC quite sometime ago while hunting for a pump for the EV-240 "The EV-240 actually needs a pump that can do about 750-800 gph at 6' head" This means my pump is underrated for the EV-240.
  14. let's go get an iwaki ?? Got a higher flow mode for the ocean free, 7200 l/h and 120w, like this might as well use MD55 and Tee of the extra output. I think I might go for that!
  15. Rumor, I agree with you on that. But since already spend a big sum (for me) on the skimmer then I want to maximise it's full potential by using a more suitable pump. That's provided if the one I am using is very unsuitable for the skimmer. I think it is doing a good job since my NO3 are between 0.2-0.5ppm (can't tell the color difference on the salifert test kit) and my tank is abt 2 months old (DSB not matured yet) and I feed quite heavily.
  16. actually you can see the water flow if you shine a torch at the injector side. Looks and feels very strong to me for my case. I think can easily see the difference between 2000 and 4000 l/h flow. I've written to AquaC and ask for comments based on my photo. Hope they reply soon. The MD55 supposed to be used as return pump for my tank.
  17. It eats 80W rated at 4500 l/h max head 5.5m but these specs makes no sense right? No flow chart was avaliable. The shape was the same as the SEN900 and SENDRA 900. I actually wrote to asked them the distributor of Singapore and they told me Yi Hu so eventually I bought this ocean free 9000 which they OEM under that brand. My water level is adjust to the inner level box and the white foam stops at the red line. Then it slowly builds the dark dry foam all the way up into the collection box. Dunno correct or not. Guess I better write to AquaC and ask
  18. actually one easy way to test. The injector is very easy to remove. Cos I removed it frequently to check for choking. Then with the injector run the pump and check the flow rate
  19. currently I am using the oceanfree 9000 which is actually the SEN900. Thought using the right one. Yes all along I was aware of the 6ft head pressure induced by the injector and just wondering why the performance not so great. Maybe use the MD55 to drive the EV240 then tee off the excess flow to drive my chiller.
  20. don't pass DC or AC thru the float-switch. Use optical level sensor. Not so feasible for our reef tank right? So use the one that is safer.
  21. I tot I selected the wrong pump too cos not happy with the skimmate, yes it's dry and dark but did not skim out a lot. Where did the white bubbles end at the chamber? Mine ends abt 1/2 way up with the water level set at the inner platform. Then it just builts up the foam from half-way up the chamber.
  22. who say DC will not kill? Definately not me, go dig out the message that I say that it will not kill?? Seems like you targetting me based on your comments hor? The fact remains that in case of a leakage, passing AC thru the float switch is more dangerous than passing DC.
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