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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Boss ah, any news of the Iwasaki bulbs? looking for the 150W DE 6.5K.
  2. looks like I should hold my purchse for the moment!
  3. problem is weekend I wanna stay at home sleep Okie I will be in CF this sat kekekeke.
  4. that time I called him and he referred me to OP. Am in the process of sourcing for a 150W MH for my 2ft cube too so considering it. Do they have any model with artinic tubes in there too?
  5. like that bo piang, I go beo CF already. But nowadays very busy at work, cannot eat snake go CF, hiak seems like it'll be a while before I can get my Sailfin Tang.
  6. sell me yours lar then you can go buy an AT liao
  7. that's why I asking around now No more buying blindly man.
  8. do you suddenly see cheap LR for sales at LFS ? wonder why right??
  9. The guy that delivered my tank told me that now LR are banned cos AVA catching. Go buy the algae rocks then go home scrap it off yourself.
  10. If I move just the tunze wires into the cabinet then super neat already. One tunze got abt 5-6 wires running up and down, so you imagine 2 of them and how messy it is??? Heng ah all hide in cabinet. Heheh I hope you already learn my trick for approval of the 2ft cube If dunno pls PM me hor.
  11. you can daisy chain the two chiller together, then can just use one pump.
  12. Tank arrived. Quite nice worksmanship.
  13. Yes the thermostat, nowadays every bit of watts counts you see You wanna be the first person to test out using 2 chiller? I think it should work quite well lei. What's the disadvantage of this double chiller? If one breaks down you still have the other running.
  14. wow sei, running two chiller together? The temp controller also draw power too
  15. Yes the whole house electical wiring I DIY. Very hard job especially laying the trunking. Now who says I am rich? Spend 3 days on leave to do the wiring, ouch, back pain, arms pain. Just to save $1K BTW the mess wiring mainly caused by the tunze.
  16. Yeah, those are temporary, going into cabinet. The plugs will be changed to weather proof type. On hold until the 2ft is ready and I will redo them again.
  17. View of interior. Finally can store all the "junks" in the cabinet. My wife would be glad to know that! The holes are for running the pipes, this 2ft cube will be sharing the sump of my 4ft. Using to keep seahorse and clams.
  18. Cabinet for 2ft cube arrived. 2ft cube will be delivered this evening.
  19. Wow piang, one black saddle back clown marti, I cried and you say I so rich??? Super sad boy. It's partner also MIA, I still hunting for the dead body.
  20. EV-240 skimming liao, have open the gate valve 1/8 turn to try getting dryer skimmate.
  21. reach home and found this ikan billis on the ground
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