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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Roidan, The biggest problem is that some particular brand has given the wrong impression that it is very high standard and has superb performance. Like I said previously due some reasons, some FACTS are not being circulated around, if those are made known to me I would have avoided it in the first place. Yes perhaps I could put up another one in the product review section My review in Jan was correct. The weather was so much cooling at that time but now the temp has raised and you can really see the difference in performance. Therefore the cooler months are not suitable to do chiller reviews. I agree with bro Roidan, what I said if from what I know and from what I see and experienced and not unfound rumours from 3rd parties so I don't see any reason why I should not post them out for the benefit of everyone!
  2. I was thinking if I should just shut up and forget abt the whole incident since I no longer use those chillers or should I let the truth surface so that newer reefers don't get sucked into the blackhole. Hiak, at times it is a very difficult decision too There is just insufficiently good information avaliable for us when we're buying a chiller. Most of the time it is based on hear say and at times the information are pretty bias. Sometimes due to one reason or the very imporant information cannot be circulated so newbie got the wrong idea and bought the wrong stuff.
  3. this type of chat, a lot of previously hidden information can surfaced out one. Let's see the light
  4. wow like that also can vote??? pengz man..... Bro Roidan, mine not really chat lar but just grumbling abt the chillers Chiller disease also can spread to kopi tiam!
  5. Froggy, are you going to give up that foxface? I'll glady take over it. How big is it?
  6. kopi-O (from my skimmer) will be served with dry seaweeds (algae) from my Ref. no milk cos healthy lifestyle
  7. one word. efficiency. this need to be proven and not just from the word of the manufacturer. The smaller the hp the better and of course the faster it can drop your tank temp the better. Best is to have someone already using the chiller on this tank then you go his setup and personally see the temp dropping. Else if hear say then don't believe it Don't believe me when I tell you abt 2 deg drop/hr. You can come my house stay for one hr and see the temp drop Words like oh... my whatever chiller can cool my 4ft, 5ft, 6ft with whatever megawatts of MH and pumps running. Yes can cool but run how long? Run non-stop also considered can cool? What is the defination? Or run all the time until lights off then stop running also considered can cool???
  8. zephyros, They are not totally wrong in the way they rate their chiller. At least technically but that is rather unethical as they should have stated that the rating is cooling power and at the same time state the rating of the compressor. This will confused many buyers and all of we are lead to believe that what we get based on the rating is the true horsepower rating of the compressor. See how the artica rates the chiller as I mentioned in an earlier post. Compressor 1/2hp. cooling power 1170 Watts. (abt 1.56hp) Then this is very clear. I know I am paying the price for a chiller with 1/2hp compressor. Didn't you read once in a while other bro saying "Make sure what you get is what you paid for", now that is what they meant
  9. end up the distributor and factory all kanna except the factory close and run away already. Alfa but I think you and I already know what's happening so I seriously doubt so.
  10. then that is his problem to go screw his manufacturer, we cannot be screwed by their mistake right? Come on man, he works for a big aircon company, you tell me he dunno all these?
  11. We're all very kind pple and always give pple road to retreat but sometimes pple just don't see it. What to do? Oh dear I scared wait my home kana terrorist attack then I die
  12. However when someone challenged him, he can still deny that it is not 1/3hp !!! See this thread under the "hot spell offer" http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=14429&st=0
  13. that's just part of the reason. I went to big boss AT's place and saw his fishes. Instantly fall in love with the salifin tang and foxface. Don't believe you can ask him lor. I keep asking abt these two fishes from him lol. Okie now I got the salifin already. Next I am going for the foxface but just worried maybe got problem with LPS. Those worms can go to hell. I can always shift them to my 2ft cube.
  14. Seems like at least 25% of this thread is delicated to discussion of chillers. Interesting Yeah, we should pop it over the the equipment section so everyone can see it. I dunno abt the rest but I buy it based on how well it can cool the tank. Then I look at the "hp" specs of the chiller. Did everyone think that the higher the "hp" rating the more powerfully it is and the "hp" should be referring to the actual "hp" of the compressor used? Take an example. You don't see a honda civic SIR (1.6 litres engine capacity 170bhp) being market as a 1.8 litre or 2 litre car just because the bhp output is in the 2l catagory. It is still market in the 1.6litre CAT. The selling price is higher but it is made known that it is a 1.6litre car. If the rating is based on the cooling power then it should be stated properly else the manufacturer is not delivering the right item and is playing with technical terms already. Have you seen the older RR chiller? They are still rated at 1/3hp and 1/2hp but suddenly the new series is rated at 1/2hp and 1.25hp. I really wonder
  15. Not kanna but kanna quite long ago but under control. I think my increase dosing of DT might have cause them to start to bloom. Have already stopped dosing DT and feeding reduce by 50% so my poor fishes only got abt 10 small pellets to eat everyday. One 4" tang only got one small pellet. Oh poor thing
  16. Was considering add this family of fish Foxface & rabbit fish. In particular Foxface Lo (Siganus vulpinus) as I saw them once in a while in LFS. More specifically to deal with bryopsis which might come and haunt me as I saw some in my overflow box. Is this a good idea. Saw on liveaquaria that they sometimes nip on soft corals & hard coral polyps. I've no softies in my reef tank. Only LPS and SPS. + a coco worm which I can get rid of. Like to hear your experience with this fish if anyone of you keep it.
  17. Cookie, The gas pressure in the heat exchanger coil is at the lower pressure as it is the cold pipe. The high pressure is in the cooling coil. That is the part where the coolant is being compressed to get rid of the heat.
  18. so that means it's a hearsay and you know nuts and dunno what you're talking about ???? Don't just reply information like that hor. Now I just wonder the rest of your comments, how true are they
  19. bro Nicky, ha ha I know exactly what you are talking about !!!! Really hate this type of pple. As long as the stock comes from legal source and official distributor then no need to hide and undercut pple to win business. However for all we know he might just go MIA after making a quick buck after selling a few set. Warranty wise you never know because they can claim that the whole world is blue and promise you the sky but once problem comes then you see! Take my advise, always buy from the distributor with warranty card!
  20. Cookiemunster is correct. Once it starts to condense and freeze means it has heat exchange with the amibent and that is what we don't want! What we want is all the heat exchange is with the water in the tank. That is call inefficient! and poor design.
  21. ya and especially for cheapo pple like that with sump using 6mm glass
  22. I think eventually your whole sump might freeze up depending on the actual location of the probe which is external too?
  23. Chiller condensation and drip good! Then you can have free water "RO" water
  24. Mai blurr mai blurr. I am not technical man for airconditioning but I still can see the specs easily. compressor 275W = around 1/3hp. cut-in current 10amps. So everytime compressor cut-in it draw high power
  25. There's a layer of freeze because the water current in the tank is too low already. Once it freezed then the cooling power will drop because ice is a good insulator
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