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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Enough of the chiller saga. New additional to my tank. Hopefully join in as the algae crew. Must be the cheapest fish I ever bought from CF. Still stressed so lost all it's color. Bro Roidan helped to choose too
  2. You guys can just shift the temp probe very near to the inlet of the heat exchanger and the freezing problem can be solved already.
  3. Joe, I don't mind trying out the fluidised CR but then my current unit works so well so that idea was put off since I learned how to tune it properly. Maybe when the day I got so much SPS that the current CR cannot meet the Ca demand then I'll have to invite the expert to do the mod already Now if only all DIY can work like this then we wouldn't have any worries buying them!
  4. The water thru-put of the skimmer is not done by seeing the flow rate of the pump It is lower than that!
  5. That is the observation and I just report what I see. As mentioned the difference could be due to the ambient temperature. Did you read the last part of the review in Jan? With all pumps switched off and only 1260 running (to drive the 1.25hp Ti) With 2x250W MH Time taken to cool 1.8 degs = 3hrs 14min With 2x36W PL Time taken to raise 1.6 degs = 5hr 56min With the 2 high powered pumps running plus With 2x250W MH Time taken to cool 1.6degs = 4hrs 36mins Time taken to rise 1.6degs = 2hrs 28mins from here you can see the two pumps actually extends the running time by a lot. The ambient at that time is so much cooler, temp around 27degs or maybe lower and that also explains the longer time to raise in temp. Don't overlook the ambient temp, it can give a big difference in cooling. Besides this data only. Due to the increase in ambient temp the chiller was running much much longer time this month compared to Jan when the review was done. I see a whole world of difference immediately when I switch over to the new chiller. Before that the 1.25hp Ti was running the whole day non-stop when the MH lights are running. After the MH are off it will still run an additional of 1-2 hrs. Errmmm... you really need to use my older chiller and you'll know ah..... quick 1.25hp Ti users pls fall-in
  6. Thank you for the tips..... going down later. Henry says got 4 of them.
  7. I wanna skim until totally dry lah lol. Maybe I shall have another low turn-over skimmer like you then can really skim the hell out of it.
  8. Great info!!!! But cham already my EV-240 (water thru-put 550 gallon) might not be sufficient for my water volume of 180 gallons.
  9. The artica commerical chiller has two version. One has the temp probe externally mounted in the tank. The other one has it internally in the chiller itself. The version I have has the temp probe internally. Connecting the pump to the controller will not solve the problem because once the pump fails it will still not sense that the heat exchanger is about the freeze and hence still crack. FYI the artical chillers has a safety feature to prevent the heat exchanger from freezing. That's what I read from the manual. But a bit here already.
  10. Yes foam tower also grow coraline algae but only at the place that faces the PL light from my ref area. Tonight I go back take photo let you see. Some acid will get rid of them, no worries. Actually I thought of collecting some effluent then use air to bubble it and then compare see if Ca and kH will change. not too sure if that is an accurate test. But like you said as long as can maintain Ca and kH then I should just leave it. Well up to the experts to comment then.
  11. Ianj, Thanks for the advise, I will take note of it, ah I learn something new again today will probably do some test to confirm. Roidan, You know I've coraline algae growing on every inch of my tank, in the sump too. First compartment, 2nd compartment dun have because of the algae I think and even on the foam tower of my skimmer lol.
  12. yes I plug into john guest fitting. It's there and not used so I plug it in The other thing is that I seems to be able to tune the EV-240 easier with that hole plugged. The other reason is I need a place to put the effluent tube so it won't drop out onto the floor and cause a mini flood. The pH is not that low so no worries abt it killing the CR I would worry more if Ozone is being used
  13. I'm also another completely satisfied user. Big thank you to you Joe! My effluent from the CR drips into my skimmer so that removes the excess CO2. May wanna let it drip into the 2nd compartment so that my macro algae can grow better. Right now some bryopsis in my overflow chamber and I do not dare go touch it. Let's hope it doesn't spread elsewhere.
  14. look at the time it needed to cool your tank, it is still reasonable. If you say yours is under powered then what can you say for the other brand? Totally impossible to cool down eh? Ventilation is quite important for the chiller so putting at the window will definately help to reduce the cooling time. However if got sunlight shinning on the chiller then it will reduce the efficiency.
  15. that is quite good especially when comparing to "that brand" On my tank, there is almost no difference to the cooling time when the 650W MH are running or off. THe difference is the time taken to raise the temp. Quite interesting Here's some data from yesterday and this evening 2x36W PL running only Time deg C 23:05 temp 27.4 compressor start 23:25 temp 26.6 compressor stop 00:28 temp: 27.4 compressor start 00:48 temp: 26.6 compressor stop 2x36W PL + 650W MH (2x250W + 1x150W) 19:30 temp 27.4 compressor start 19:55 temp 26.6 compressor stop 20:32 temp 27.4 compressor start
  16. 1/3hp for 6ft. That is impressive and I believe it after seeing my 1/2hp in action. How long does it need to drop 1 deg? Would have gone with the 1/3hp one if not for the need to remote the chiller.
  17. For TECO I've to stand by my view, the TW6 I had did not managed to cool down my tank. Temp just creeps up after the main lights are turned on. But once I got my 1.25hp chiller the performance was a lot difference and my tank was cooled. You can see the reason why I thought it was good at that time. BTW how big is your tank?
  18. Bro, Is there anything that I should know of this artica that I do not know now and which I am going to find out 3 months later and then scream my heart out? If you know pls tell me else later I sure heart attack.
  19. bro, don't suan me pls..... Yours don't have the CO2 recycling yet That one very cool one lol. Beckett again? Some bryopsis in my overflow box so thought might wanna go for dual beckett. But $$$$.
  20. I saw my cleaner shrimps disturbing my 8" large clam but that is because I think it is reporting back to heaven already. Since then I use a string to close up the clam. Already 2 days and the shrimps are no longer disturbing it. Let's see in another few more days I will untie it and see if I can save the clam or not.
  21. Had 2 improvement to my Joe_P CR. A 2nd chamber was added as well as CO2 recycling. Now the excess CO2 collected on top of the chamber gets recycled. Cool. I love this !!!
  22. For more details abt the performance of the 1.25hp Titanium, you might like to refer to this review that I had done earlier this year. However one thing to note is that the weather at that time is much cooler so the chiller run time is much shorter. The other factor is at that time my MD55 is not put in operation and MH light is 2x250W instead of 2x250W + 1x150W. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10820
  23. Another example would be a 2.0L class chasis fitted with a 1.6l engine. Remember the hyundai sonata. Now how's the power of the car? Yes it can carry 5 person and still move. So technically speaking it is a big car
  24. yeah lor I agree, better put the discussion somewhere more relevant like equipment review so can do a very comprehensive one Back to your clams.... quick show us the latest photo hor......
  25. let do it once and for this once let the whole fact be made known to everyone! Errm... need big Boss' approval lei cos that is one of the sponsor here
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