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Everything posted by weileong

  1. so it's you and not bro Vinoth that I saw??? Yes I remember you in white T-shirt and black jeans heheh. Edwin asked if you want the frozen mysis too right?
  2. Did you test the RO water from the filter to test for the parameters? What's the NO3,PO4 or TDS reading? Like I mentioned earlier in my post, you could be still introducing NO3,PO4 into your tank during water change and that is why it does not solve your problem.
  3. I was the guy looking at the red dragon and asking abt the 14,000 l/h one. Was in white T-shirt with dark blue collar and jeans.
  4. You can say that is "good water quality" do you? Should be high nutrients enviroment for LPS Have you used any test kit to determine your PO4 and NO3 levels in your tank? Which RO system are you using? Hopefully not those sold in shopping centers.
  5. Errm..... cyno is good?? That indicates high PO4 and insuffient flow in the tank.
  6. ah..... you must be the gentleman that I saw buying that plastic bottle of frozen stuffs from PR this evening Was raining heavily at that time.
  7. If I am not wrong the brown ones are diatom and reddish ones are cyno. If you did not use DI/RO water for water change then there is a chance that the water you used might contain PO4 and silicates so you can keep on changing water but it still does not solve the problem. Have you tried using rowaphos to remove the PO4? Maybe need to improve on the skimming? Higher flow in the tank will also help with the diatoms.
  8. agreed but what does Marineman meant by "good water quality"? Good water for LPS and softies => high nutrient? I think I always interpret it as water with low nutrient so it will not support those algaes. Maybe misunderstand on my part what he's trying to say here
  9. Are those brown stuffs on the sandbed diatoms? Maybe a bit reddish so probably cyno? Can't really tell from the photos
  10. check your needle valve. You might need to buy a better one.
  11. Yes the fishes are difficult to photograph but this AT is ultra difficult. Caught it before it went to hide in the LR. Seems likemy rabbit fish also think it's a tang
  12. yellow tang a bit aggressive, trying to show who's boss.
  13. some photos. AT is really very black and dark (errmmm... I meant the tang and not our AT here), that makes it difficult to photograph under my blue MH, so pls pardon me for the dark photo. As usual when new tang is added the whole gang will follow and all swim together
  14. I had to use a ball valve to cut down the flow. What Maxima is saying is that with the air valve close and for the case of EV-240 you need to cover the john guest fitting too. Adjust the water level so that it is 1-2cm above the black box. Once you open the air valve fully the water level will drop already. Now mine collect very dry skimmate! Of course the more powerful the pump, the lower you have to set the water level. MD55 is way too powerful for your EV-240 so a ball valve is a must. I closed mine abt 30%. Yes waste electricity but waiting for new skimmer.
  15. It is in pulse mode. Interval mode green LED will light up once you have at least 3 tunze and one of them is connected to the 4th connector. Did not want to use interval mode as I read if any snails or fishes goes into the tunze when it is powered down and after the tunze start running there is a risk of breaking the impeller.
  16. Some pple add 1/2 cup of water to the plastic bag at 1/2 cup every 15mins. I play safe, use drip. Use a 5mm silicon tubing add a small valve at the end and control the flow until it drips. After 2-3 hrs the water would have been 300-400% of the original one from the bag so the LS would be ready to be added in to the tank. Don't ever pour this water back to the tank
  17. I fully agree with Bro Nautical, speed is most important.
  18. still in the plastic tank dripping, won't be ready to put in at least for another 2-3 hrs. Delicate fish so play safe.
  19. Have to wait? Many set sitting in PR waiting for you
  20. I think my fishes need time to get used to the higher flow. A lot of difference between the 6000 and 6100. Now running in pulse mode (4sec). Have tune down the flow to 30-90% for channel A (2x6100 on right side of tank) and 50-70% for channel B (1x6100 on left side of tank).
  21. Roidan, Duck rice no problem, when you want to claim? Valid for 3 months only Finally my tunze transformer arrived so now I upgrade my 6000 to 6100, running 3x6100 in my tank but still no sand storm. A lot more wave action in the tank, never see before. Lots of debris "flying" around in tank now. Is 3x6100 enough???? Less wasted collected on the sandbed and LR = less algae problem later
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