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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Sorry to disappoint you guys, it is old brown out stock... no $$$ so go buy the brown ones then try my luck and see what color I get
  2. Now you know why it is so difficult to photograph my AT properly. Cos it always tilt at an angle to peck the LR
  3. SPS from PR. Senior reefer helped me choose one. Many thanks to him. No more white spots seen on the AT tonight But I need to continue to monitor for a few more weeks.
  4. Calibrate daily is for lab use. For our use, I think once a week is good enuff. Save the $$$
  5. added some new SPS and shift the old SPS and LR a little. All tangs out in full force
  6. There is indeed a Ca sensor avaliable not I think won't work with your IKS. But the sensor is not stable so it is highly recommend to calibrate on a daily basis For kH, I don't think it is avaliable.
  7. Water temp? No problem, I got an oversized chiller. Got up 3 degs also no issue. Moreover this MD40 will be place externally
  8. and best of all the fishes there seems super healthy one! fat fat pui pui... I would be happy to have a tank like that but then probably you need a quad beckett with 1ft dia and 16" tall foam tower
  9. With the veri powerful RSB I am sure AP's tank can keep tangs + angels like the CF display tank. Wow I would love to have a FOWLR tank like that! So many of them jam packed and they are so confused who is who and no chance to fight
  10. I already going to fall asleep soon I hope AP tank won't end up with a ref in the main tank. Nice green "grass" growing eveywhere. Talking abt this also makes me scared. Later I get algae bloom I cry. Better run another return pump tonight to increase the sump turn over, will be buying the fittings later.
  11. larger water volume then need more powerful skimmer right? else DOC breaks down and eventually nitrates built up then you see your tank full of chocolate sticks already.
  12. Has AP decided to get rid of the RSB or still stick to the RSB? I see lots of tangs coming to AP tank since AP is looking for a "tang expert" now. Wonder what's next, AP, AT, PBTx2 (blue and brown), all the nice nice but aggressive ones
  13. Don't be too anxious yet, you still have 9 more months to go before your first SPS
  14. If you get the frags from boss, remember me hor, after you grow them, frag and pass some to me
  15. I agree, it's difficult. See my tank, left side LPS + anemone & clownfish. The swaying movement of the LPS is shiok to see and the clownfish rubbing with the anemone is shiok too. Right side SPS, slowly see them color up, slowly see the growth week by week. Wow difficult choice if I had to choose one. Heng I got a 2ft cube on standby, still don't know what to do. Oh yes at night nothing to do can go hunt for crab. I just speared one to death last night
  16. seems like roidan get stuck by SPS fever already.... yeah... another guy to exchange frags heheheh. Can cheong LFS to grab SPS. Tee tee... tee teee... "new shipment at 2am, let's go cheong and grab everything".
  17. wow..... I thought I heard a rumour someone starting SPS soon go go go then you can feed me with more tips of new shipment.
  18. Settle the tank's ick problem first, make sure all your fishes are free of ich then it will give the AT a better chance to make it! But I see Alfa, UV+O3, how can don't get rid of ich
  19. Pecking non-stop on the LR. Now I noticed the true beauty of the AT, besides the striking color and orange teardrop. The more impressive part is color of the pelvic fin. Running on the edge of the dorsal and ###### fins are some blue shinny color which comes and goes as the angle to the light changes. Too bad it is difficult to capture on film. Maybe need a video.
  20. day 5: Seems to be doing even better today. The torn fin has almost healed. Started to eat nori but only small bite size. I think this is very good sign. One white spots noted on the body, no more no the fins. But that white spot looks more like a scratch by the LR rather than ich. I noted that the yellow tang now got chased away by it! Salifin tang don't even go near it now. On the rd to be king of the tang As usual very difficult to take a good shot as it is a fast swimming and doesn't stay on a spot long enough for my coolpix 5700 to focus in macro mode.
  21. Hiak.... if only that's the AT I had taken Here's my yellow neon goby. Seems to be camera shy, refused to face the camera.
  22. you can find the URL?? I'm looking for the VCD or DVD.
  23. I am simply addicted to it First series was the 12 zodiac. 2nd one was the "north pole" 3rd series "underwater" The rest I dunno already but I know got "underworld" and "heaven" one Trying to hunt down these two... maybe have to go find in Japan already. Judging from the response, not too much fan here
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