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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Congratulation!!! Glad to hear another success with the use of UV. However don't make the same mistake as myself, turn off the pump to the UV and forgot to turn on and next morning the tangs get the ich again. Probably this shows that the UV did help to kill those floating in the water.
  2. Finally came out with these baffle on my last compartment of my sump. Managed to kill all the bubbles!!! Will be using this for my new sump. However my main tank still got bubbles rising from the sandbed even at night! So I have to endure with the bubble.
  3. Now that reminds me I am still waiting for him to make my sump My chiller is connected and running now but sitting on the floor. My tank would have crashed long ago with the old chiller if I sit there and wait
  4. Every shot is super chio!!! very angry already Errm.... remember me when you frag hor Or if you see anywhere selling, let me know immediately
  5. Got my DV today so got this shot. More high res photo will be posted as soon as I get the hang out of all the software. The pump to the UV was switched off yesterday as I rearrange my sump and I forgot to turn it on until this morning. Disaster as a few white spots appear on the AT & BT. Good news is all of them still eating very well.
  6. if you do go there again pls check the size they selling. height and diameter. These type of reactor no need high tech one and of course price
  7. Received my contraphos K this evening. Had moved my skimmer out of sump so now had more space. Put my very old fluizied bed filter back to action. Fill up with 500g of contraphos K and now happily fluizing the contraphos K away. Running on a NOVO tune down to abt 500 l/h. With this unit running, I've one less worry now. Still sourcing for a larger unit so I can get higher turnover.
  8. where did you make the stand? Now you remind me, I need to get my chiller fixed up "there"
  9. Close in but unfortunately a little out of focus else perfect shot No more white spots visible on the body. The white dot on the body is not visible to my eyes, could be some particles floating in the water that happens to be in the line of sight.
  10. another piece of norti. You can see the three new super brown colony added this week
  11. Now the day has arrived. My AT started eating non-bite sized nori. Will be easier to feed from now on. It also start to fight for food with the rest of the tangs. Not too good photos has I don't have much time to focus properly.
  12. both my MD55 and M40 are equally silent.
  13. This is the kick I get from keeping SPS, seeing them grow and coloring up. Especially more kick when you compare photos and see the grow and color changes as you see them everyday and really doesn't notice the changes. Have a couple more small frags that has some growths but will post them sometime later when they show more growth. Some of the frags are pcs that broke off from the main colony.
  14. no chance for pink bird nest yet another one. What SPS is this?
  15. I got no idea at all since it's brown out stock so just choose the shape I like. The rest is up to heaven I guess but the other day the senior reefer tried to help guess the color so let's see how it goes
  16. I thought this colony was hopeless, at least now I compare the photos and saw some growth, keeping my finger crossed.
  17. Wondering what will the color turn to eventually.
  18. some growth photos. Unfortunately I broke too frags off this pc else sure see more growth.
  19. Alfa, so after installing the UV, you get no more white spots on the fish???
  20. you forgot to add "dozen of anthias with heavy feedings". It's not that I think cannot keep SPS but make sure your tank won't have SPS along side with those algae. End up the algae more obvious than your SPS. Maybe the algae taller than your acros Like that consider can keep SPS or not? Yes the SPS still show some grow, whole body brown except the tips shows a bit of color etc.
  21. like that need to match each tang to one of the character in the cartoon already.. pengz...
  22. Coming soon, gotta go crack my head then If got name already then will be more tempted to get another tang..... hopefully from different genus one. Got any recommendation lol... wait tang police come raid my house
  23. cheap enough for you to afford Can buy at least 10 of your 12x turbo twist.
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