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Everything posted by weileong

  1. are they fighting or what? one seems to be chasing other then they'll do this and then go round and round and this process repeats itself.
  2. Was sticking some SPS earlier on so turn off the tunze while I let the super glue gel cure properly. No... my fishes can't swim in front of the tunze
  3. foxface and cleaner wrasse. Noticed all of them open the fin big big. Apologies to all the bubbles floating in the tank, they raise from the sandbed and then get suck in by the tunze and gets broken up into fine ones.
  4. salifin tang and cleaner wrasser, shiok shiok massage.
  5. Marineman, thanks for the tips, will keep them in mind when I go up north. I've been guily of driving too fast up there. Better wake up man
  6. wider tyre will aquaplane more easily as it need to push thru a bigger volume of water compared to a thinner one. Of course the design of the threads plays a very big part here. Wider is good for dry grip. Oh yes try not to go for those super quiet tyre, the wet grip are terrible, you never know when you need those grip I still trust the SO3 but a bit on the noisy side.
  7. I won't say it is a success at this point in time. If you still see my AT around 6 months later then I can declare success.
  8. open the gate valve by 1/8 turn then wait a few hrs for it to stablise and see if that's the skimmate you want. Don't close the air valve, waste power
  9. more shots will be coming but I don't have so much fishes like you to take this and that Anyway I also loved the "smile smile" type look from the AT, kinda like very friendly type.
  10. 2000 l/h? Most probably all the media already fly out
  11. Like that you also can tell ? Pocket burn.....
  12. probably for a FR this size a 1000 l/h pump should be sufficient, you could try a SICCE IDRA which should be really low power.
  13. oh, you Tee of the pump? I just wonder what flow rate the reactor can take with 1kg of media
  14. wow..... uplink for 3000 only 128k? Like that I better stick to 1500 and save some $$$ for SPS. The download is more than enough juice
  15. Where got pai sei one... as long as you think what you're using can serve your purpose. We're not here to compare who got the best equipment or biggest skimmer
  16. the white plastic is at bottom of the unit. Go check it out
  17. What's the uplink speed for 3000 ? The 1500 is only miserable 128K.
  18. frag frag frag..... sign... how come appear so brown in the photo
  19. I've only met Roidan once at LCK110 and I've also only met AP once in the LFS near to reborn so I am buddy of roidan as well as AP? I am pointing out the facts only but since you cannot accept it then too bad. I'll to tell you straight that I am no buddy of Roidan, I don't see any reasons why you should step in and start calling pple by names. For this you're in the wrong. You can be angry, you don't see pple going around committing murder because they are angry? Is that a good reason? End up they get hanged. If she had a good skimmer then her PO4 will not be 5ppm, oh yes now I heard that "you asked her to write 5ppm". You don't have to try to bring out those "20 yrs experience" means nothing. Ultimately her knowledge will be shown in her tank condition. Let's see how it goes further down the rd. Oh yes only experts can reply in SRC huh? Then who do you consider experts? Are you an expert? Cos you can ask someone to post her PO4 level as 5ppm. Sorry if my post pissed you off, I shall not reply anymore.
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