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Everything posted by weileong

  1. those are cold cathode and not LED right?
  2. Mustafa also selling fish now?? wow really A to Z
  3. I think you already have all the acros I have now. Green staghorn you also have right? How to trade with you???
  4. sell to me can?? I beo very long already.
  5. No problems with tunze ###### fish over my side. That is with the 6100 (12000 l/h). My small goby always stay at the bottom of tank and never venture upwards to the tunze. Maybe billy's flame angel too sleepy
  6. tiny = what size?? To me tiny means less than 2". I think I saw one that is around this size today, not too sure don't hold me responsible for this
  7. Yes was at CF this afternoon. Last min decides to drop by cos working in Tuas today. The AT is still in tank or they sold but the buyer yet to collect it??
  8. any chevron tang sighted? BTW CF got a nice AT for sale
  9. Due to change of plans for 2ft cube I have 25kg of grade #0 sand to give way. This has been cycled for approx 2-3months with only LR in the tank so it is still very clean. Need to collect by this evening at Haig Road else will go into dustbin. Please bring your own pail.
  10. Not everyone will go for beckett. Can you imagine how much power the energy pressure rated pumps needs. High running cost Assillian, my reason for changing to beckett is that I forsee more heavy feeding for my tangs and going to connect a 2ft cube FOWLR together with the 4ft hence the need for a even more powerful skimmer. Moreover I am currently using the MD55 (flow reduced with ball valve) to drive the EV-240. Since already burning 130W then might as well burn it on the beckett. Due to these two reasons might as well go all out for the beckett. $600 is a very good buy for the EV-240. This skimmer needs pumps of around 90W so you pretty save on power.
  11. like I told you the other day, your tang so super pui, the white spot strikes also no chance Hmm.. spear one home? very difficult to choose. All so pui and nice... oh yes I take the chevron
  12. wow..... another AT, almost same sized as mine I guess it's gonna be another pui pui again
  13. wow you used flash har? no wonder 1/2 bright 1/2 dim lol.
  14. want to close might as well close now, what for wait till the lights arrives? I enjoy your thread alot, why you want to close it? Would be wasted. Keep use updated with the progress of your reef tank, would be wonderful to see the SPS color up when you go SPS in future right?
  15. ah one of the reason why I going for the beckett. Very good value at $600! This skimmer has not moving parts so impossible to break down. upz.... for you and good luck to your sales.
  16. Here's my beloved kitty..... with me since she was 5 months old and passed away at an age of 17yrs 1 month+ will always in my memory. Photo taken while she was in her prime of 1yrs+ very old photo already. She went thru my seconday school life all the way thru my days in the SAF and working life.
  17. the purple firegboy has always been more $$$ than the red firegoby. This is a very well known facts unless you're new to the hobby.
  18. Actually powder brown also very nice Everytime I see one I've to restrain myself from buying.
  19. The price of the camera at mustafa was not that bad and pretty near what I was quoted in the shops at SLS so I bought it. Moreover I bought it not for the reef but for other purpose which I would have missed it if I didn't have the camera. But I think bro Roidan got the wrong idea already, I've been thinking of the DSLR more than 2 yrs back but the price was killer at that time, the price has dropped to an acceptable level for me. Had been checking out the prices since the launch of the D70 and making a choice between the 300D and D70 As Roidan said, if I had a bigger tank, my budget would have run dry and no more $$$ to buy the camera.
  20. Can you pls explain why epoxy are not suitable? I've frags stick with epoxy but they have encrust over the expoy already so far. No problem found. In fact it's the super glue gel that I found a bit weak as the snails and other LS can easily topple them.
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