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Everything posted by weileong

  1. If your tank is stable enuff then let in AT go in first so it can be the king. Your PBT still ard?
  2. This thing cannot that thing cannot like SPS pple also recommend keep after 1 yr. End up different lar I got Cpt Chao inside, dun worry.
  3. Maybe cynaide fisherman all also up lorry after their last meal.... Like Henry said, the source of the fish is very important. If you get a good source then you're already at least 50% success.
  4. How do you explain my AT that is with me for long time liao and also the PBT from ML which is from Sri Lanka that is also kicking? Cos I noted that they are doing well for a few days then straight after I try to feed the next morning it will up lorry.
  5. up lorry is the other one, used cynaide caught one. Next day up lorry Think too many Powder ###### tang marti till I also blurr. I am not getting anymore tang.... so many liao... else I am siao liao... will be selling my PBT soon after I pump is fat fat
  6. That is why I said Cao Lao Goh messing with the jap surgeon. Lao Goh kanna terlok ma, broken fins. This cut already there before the Lao Goh appears in the tank yesterday.
  7. Cpt Chao Lao Goh messeing with with the Japan Surgeon. Later the stupid fish sure get wack terlok by the Japan Surgeon. Sorry hor no state funeral, just flush into toilet bowl. pui pui pui.
  8. My Japan Surgeon. Cpt Chao looking in the background
  9. remember to wash the sand till it is ultra clean and do this slowly so you do not stress your LS. I also recommend to just top up a small area of the sandbed at a time so the new area have time to mature
  10. Bro don't anyhow suan.. it just happens that when new shipment comes I got money to buy and when I am broke there is no shipment When you got money you save up lor then got spare cash then buy lah.. else dun buy and dun think abt it will be fine liao
  11. If you no space nevermind. Pass to Ivcap, his tank got lots of space to temp house for you
  12. I haven't try to feed them yet cos skimmer not yet kick in yet. Now kicking in liao but the fishes are sleeping liao Will try tomorrow.
  13. Lta only where got 21 gun salute???? pengz.... the most state flag oni but it dies in your hands so where got flag?
  14. I would say all of them are sui....but I guess those left over ones suffer from some battle damaged. But they should heal in no time. Worth a buy
  15. Oh means you reserved over the phone? Do you know yours is the larger or smaller one? Cos in the reserved tank there were two small ones and one larger ones (same sized as mine). All three are equally nice. Mine the fin got a little damaged but nevermind one cos it will heal in no time.
  16. 3 of those reserved ones are sui. But not to worry. I don't complain abt sui one being reserved. I picked the one I think is the best (of course with advise from Henry) from the few that is avaliable for sale Don't play play mine is CPT liao... your one only LTA lol...
  17. Just happened by chance one..... "my friend" happen to drive pass then saw the incoming goods then know it's shipment day liao lol.
  18. lol.... confirm not me.... weekend I sleeping most of the time. But this morning I already received tip off of new SPS shipment liao but I too lazy to cheong down so only reached there ard 4pm Luckily got "my friend" to help to grab good ones lol...
  19. Get a long PVC taller than your water level. Put this PVC pipe into your tank so the other end is just at the sandbed. Then pour the prewashed sand slowly into the PVC pipe
  20. Wow liew if your officer like you then you get promoted very fast one. How far it can go depends on the CEP but I would say at least BG lol...... I saw yours already. Very sui Wanna get me to help you collect then I bag it home lol. Oh yes I was at ML ard 5pm, 1pm I still at home sleeping
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