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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Now I soak NLS pellets in the Amy's Rojak and wow.... my AT goes for it and is observed to be eating the whole pellet. The pellet seems too big for it to take as whole so it bites split out then eats them again Cool. Even my Cleaner wrasse also eats the broken pcs that the AT splits out! Very potent man! 3 cheers for amy hor. Fat AT on the way since it's on pellet now
  2. I got mine from coral farm and it was feeding on pellets over there but when I put it in my tank... it refused to eat for 2 months.. just peck on the LR. It got a bit thin and worrying for me. However one fine day it just decided to start eating and now is very fat. It eats everything You can try drying some nori on a pc of LR then see if your salifin will peck on it. This can only work if the salifin is pecking on the LR.
  3. seems like similar to SPS nowadays
  4. wow you also tong tong chang... celebrate CNY. Very nice blasto you have there!
  5. wow liew... I am just stating the truth ma.... my fishes go crazy one. Anyway I am not the first person to observe this behaviour. This food would be good for newly introduced fishes to get them to get eating
  6. Collected the food today and wow..... my fishes eat like that have no eaten since they are borned. Even my newly bought lyretail which is still hiding cannot resist the food and came out to fight for the food! Thanks for the kind offer for the food Sis Flu... Finally my AT is eating something else other than Nori
  7. More LPS added Maybe lights too dim cannot see the RED. Wow tong tong chian.... tong tong chian..... gong xi fa cai, ang pao liao lah.
  8. Long time no update. Full tank shot. Just got some new LPS today, some still stressed not opened yet.
  9. Reduce the size of the air hole on the dunso. This is provided your overflow box can take the increased flow. Bigger air hole = lower flow and smaller air hole = higher flow. No air hole = max flow (full siphoning effect). However please note that when the dunso just starts up it will take some time for it to reach it's max flow (depending on size of the air hole). During that time the water level in your overflow box will rise and this is very normal. I believe this is what you are seeing now. Observe carefully let it run for a while see if the water level will drop or not.
  10. previous one MIA in my tank... my guess is that the flow was too strong and it got "blew" into my overflow and got stuck somewhere in the piping
  11. yeap... depending on how large is your monitor and the resolution of your screen But in actual size... most of the chevy recently are this size... quite difficult to keep ah.
  12. Mine is 1" one, called up henry and was told the 2" one is reserved liao.
  13. got 2 pc. head to tail. 1.5" and 2" The 2" one is reserved liao.
  14. 5 is not enough ah Maybe order one box from them and we see how lar
  15. Coral farm got many of the Desjardinii. There was a time when I had to hunt high and low but now there's so many there waiting for you to go choose. Small and medium sizes avaliable too.
  16. What you want to coat the whole rock with the epoxy? My urchin is helping me eat up some of the coraline so they don't fight the calcium with my SPS Oh yes Amy, the price is good enough... if you do go pls help me buy 10 tubes
  17. After hearing all these bad news, it had got me seriously thinking of getting another artica 1/2hp as backup. Since already spend so much and if the unthinkable do happen then at least I already try my best to prevent it already.
  18. heard cuttlefish don't last too long and they need live food too right? Always wanted to keep one
  19. normally takes 1 month plus for the coraline to cover it up. Okie lar considering the difference in the cost. Anyway I just bought two sticks of the deltec coral stick today.
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