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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Hey Roidan, Just took a better photo of my pink yuma. Maybe you'll change your mind Straight from the camera, no editing to make it red red
  2. depending on size of your CO2 cylinder and usage rate, it should last you 6 months to a year or even longer between refill. One refill probably cost around $20.
  3. SG st 1.018 is still too high to try to kill the white spots. You need to lower the SG to 1.009 and keep it there for at least 3 weeks after all the spots are gone from the fish. 6 weeks is much better. pH crashes easily at those salinity especially when your filtration system is not matured and I guess this is the cause of all your problems with fish dying. Therefore keep the kH at ard 10 will help to stablise the pH. Sometimes when the fish is too seriously infected by ich, you can try to feed like hell but the ich will take away more than what the fish can eat and end up the fish also up lorry
  4. hey roidan, How abt this one?
  5. I think it is bleached but once it recovers it will be illuminous green
  6. Try Nori first Cut into small bite sides (2x2mm that type) then flood the tank with it. Red algae also not bad but must keep going to LFS.
  7. MSN here..... 1) kschew1498@hotmail.com 2) jesperlam@hotmail.com 3) giantbicycle@hotmail.com 4) hihai@singnet.com.sg 5) djdazhu@hotmail.com (planetG) 6) weileong27@hotmail.com Yahoo here...... 1) kschew_1498 2) hamannbmw 3) djdazhu (planetG) ICQ here...... 1) 7789783 (weileong)
  8. Better use hyposalinity treatment so after the treatment you may add inverts. If you used copper then I don't know how long you need to wait.
  9. If you do reduce the salinity remember to add kH buffer to the freshwater so that you keep the kH of the low salinity seawater at ard 10. If not the pH will crash and your fishes will die.
  10. Big signboard there have if I am not wrong.
  11. Description Gallon Capacity Footprint Diameter Height CS6-2+ 125 10" x 11.5" 6" 24
  12. Your anemone is bleached due to insufficient lights. Anemone requires high lighting.
  13. dosing of zeobak is needed daily for the first 14 days after you change then zeolit media. Zeofood and zeostart (if you used it) is required on a daily basis. Maybe that takes 1 min of your time only. Shaking of the zeolit media is not a must But recommended. If these are too troublesome then don't keep fish already cos you need to feed them and they are too troublesome also. Same goes to alternative methods, you still need to dose on a daily basis.
  14. orrr... I never upgrade. Thinking of downgrading the reef tank cos might be moving house soon.
  15. go go go and reduce running cost right? I think you're talking abt closer to $3K heheh.
  16. I am also using at 1/2 dosage yet from 2nd day onwards I see the water clear up and skimmate darker and higher volume. Now into the 2nd week liao if I remember correctly, or maybe 3rd week.
  17. Alfa, you don't see your water turn clearer and skimmer got more darker skimmate? Probably before that you already using ozone so the water already super clear so no diff liao. BTW for basic zeovit system cost $80 and can last 2-3 months. The zeovit media cost ard $24 for 1L (for 400litres water volume) if I am not wrong and need to be replace every one 1-2months. I don't know if you call it expensive or what. If you compared directly to the voka method then obviously it is very expensive But if you compared to those using Rowa then you can do some simple calculation
  18. In this case rowa also expensive but for reefers keeping SPS that uses rowa then the cost of the basic zeovit system is not much difference
  19. You can compare the cost of the zeovit to the cost of using rowa, works out to be about the same. Unless you do not use rowa to begin with then you can say that the cost of zeovit is higher
  20. Some of those nasty lorry drivers.. if they are not happy they will even want to push you out of the road
  21. Get a red dragon Get a bubble king Keep FOWLR The aim is to reduce electricity cost right?
  22. And use skimmers that requires less power hungry pumps as well
  23. Yes I know I know very soon but the days of shaking the FR is terrible lol.
  24. My FR got no handle to shake shake lol. End up have to shake the whole FR.
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