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Everything posted by weileong

  1. The rowa should give any problem and is fine to run in FR. They are very hard particles and will not turn into fine powder form even when fluidised The carbon is the problem. Running in FR will cause the fine powder to be released, no matter how slow your flow rate is as the fluidised action will cause the GAC to be slowly grind to power. The correct way to use GAC would be in a mesh filter bag, you would then need to take the bag out to squeeze a a few times to minimise the formation of channels. typrobin your fishes kanna ich after you throw in rowa because sudden addition of huge amount of rowa will cause the kh to drop and then cause a sudden change in pH which stress the fishes. A few reefers here already experienced this I guess the trick is the have really very slow flow thru the FR at first so the change in pH will not be drastic then later say 24-48 hrs increase the flow in the FR back to normal. Don't stress also stressed already so just take precaution the next time you change your rowa.
  2. If your test kit is indeed giving the correct reading then do some water change will lower the kH.
  3. Give it time, sooner or later it will start to eat prepared food.
  4. remove your corals then drop the salinity, that bugger will sure up lorry.
  5. At the same time also check out if the AT is fat or not. Cos eating well surely will be fat. Best already feeding on pellets and that will make your life much easier.
  6. My one and only purple queen. Surprised to see it still kicking.
  7. Very nice photo and hue adjustment but didn't know got algae with purple tint
  8. another one, can see the shimmering effects from the MH.
  9. A montage for easier reference. Recovery started only I stopped using GAC in FR. The rest of the fishes are not affected. The day of full glory should be near
  10. Another shot of the road to recovery. The color of the tear drop can depends on the lighting and how you photograph the fish as well as you can see from this photo. lvcap the lateral line disease aka hole-in-the-head also cause the lost of coloring, actually caused the fish to appear darker than usual. Go read up more on this "disease" in RC and you'll understand. In summary, this is not caused by any bacterial or parasites but rather a response from the fish own immune system.
  11. How abt this on Aug 24th? Major ich outbreak
  12. Hence the worst is almost over, it is well on the road to recovery. Has started feeding on pellets, no more ich spoted for many weeks. Got a lot fatter. Feeds like piggy now. Teardrop also got larger. You can compare the two photos. The one below was taken on 6th Oct 04.
  13. You can see my AT at it's worst. White spots + skinny because it refused to eat anything except NORI + lateral line disease caused by running GAC in FR. Photo from 18th Jul 04.
  14. any reasons why you're upgrading?
  15. 150w MH will cost you 0.15x24x30x0.165 = $17.82 monthly. provided one months is 30days power factory = 1 and electricity cost $0.165/kw hr
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