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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by weileong

  1. fat and thick body Really great care of the fish by the bro.
  2. Now in the small plastic container dripping.
  3. Just collected this gem from a bro here. Very kind of him to pass it to me. Now already 4x the size when he initally got it.
  4. The lobster will crawl all over the place and very aggressive during feeding time. No good to keep one as the crawls will disturb your corals and they won't open properly.
  5. Take it out and use hyposalinity or copper. Sure cure if the fish don't die. Meanwhile you might be interested to read thru this thread. Question on quarantine to eliminate Ich
  6. sometimes if the ich is too terrible then you can feed like hell but the fish just get thinner and thinner, cos the ich takes out more than what the fish can take in. The ich will spread and your whole tank will kanna.
  7. must pump it up ah.. now left skin and bone only. Feed 20x a day sure can one
  8. seems like YT also kanna quite terlok.
  9. No photos But in tip top condition. Good for those tank with ich outbreak.
  10. Have 1 unit of this for sale. Reef tank running on zeovit system and not compatible with UV. This is running on 36W PL UV lamp. Asking for $250.
  11. Just got this today. Will fill with zeovit media then connect and fire it up tomorrow Heng ah no more crazy shaking of FR
  12. Use DI/RO water for long term solution Give those chemicals a miss
  13. put your hands under strong lights and look for the shiny reflection. Might have some bristle stuck on your hands. I kanna before. Using the hair method didn't get rid of all the bristles. Next time gear glooves
  14. your fish also white spot outbreak right? I think all your corals normal normal ones so put them aside or look for LFS to hold for you 6 weeks while you drop the salinity to kill the bugger as well as to get rid of the ich.
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