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Everything posted by weileong

  1. You can use your main tank water, just drain the water from the main tank and replace the same amount with kH buffered fresh water. Meaning to add kH buffer till the fresh water kH is around 10. This is to prevent the pH in the low salinity water from crashing hence killing your lifestock. You will need to remove your inverts else they will say bye bye to you. Your beneficial bacterials will survive the hyposalinity treatment. Do a 20% water change with freshwater each time 2 times a day for 2 days will drop your salinity to 14ppt. All the best, keep us updated. You'll need to keep the low salinity for at least 6 weeks. Meanwhile you'll have to monitor the salinity level carefully so that it does not exceed 16ppt else you'll have to start the 6 weeks countdown all over again. If you need to top up the water that is evaporated then you need to add kH buffered freshwater with kH ard 10. A refractometer will be best to check the salinity as they are most accurate.
  2. No ah just New Life spectrum pellets only. Twice a day feeding abt 10 pellets each time. This is whitecheek aka powder black this is powder brown.
  3. the problem is that this monk grows to a max of 40cm in the wild and within two months grow from abt 1.5" to almost 4.5" head to tail in my tank
  4. powder black would be more suitable for your tank compared to a monk.
  5. the green table is awesome. up for your sales.. would take it if not for the lack of space.
  6. I think ML should have 1 last pc.. call Henry and ask ah. BT also need to reserve one???
  7. dunno or... one senior lady reefer says it's monk one. I call it poorman's black tang lol.
  8. where's the tang police when we need him?? Oh ya i forget his job is to encourage pple to keep tangs lol.
  9. I have Yellow Tang Blue Tang Salifin Tang Achilles Tang Indian Ocean Minic Tang Monk Tang Whitecheek unknow bristletooth AP Chevron Tang Oh lost to you by 1 lol. Moorish and foxface are tang cousins, counted or not? lol... if yes then add 3 more lol.
  10. Never knew got pple mouth smelly till like that. Wow piang. Don't care abt what those losers have to say, even die in your tank so what? As long as you know you have the means to keep alive it can already. After all those that curse you might not have the means to keep it alive. Corals are animals and even the tank is suitable doesn't meant it can be kept alive in it. All the best to your new found gem.
  11. Maybe you can take some photo to let us see your "overflow" pipe. Can try to redo it with larger diameter piping so lesser chance for those stuffs to get stuck. Use a strainer if possible like those that Roidan has recommended.
  12. I still got no idea how your overflow pipe look like? You got no overflow box right? If you cannot blow and dislodge whatever is choked in the piping then I suggest you redo your piping.
  13. Did you have any reliable testkit to measure the PO4? What's your PO4 reading now? I have an old OTTA FR with 500g Rowa left in it used for about a month. After washing should be still good, can let you have it for good price, pls contact me via PM.
  14. Did you find out what choked the overflow pipe? I had my overflow pipe choked before by one turbo snail that decided to venture into the overflow box and then down the overflow pipe. Luckily that time running my old sump and the sump run dry before my tank overflow. This caused a very loud noise at 3am in the morning and I jump up from bed to go fixed it. Always the snails that caused this type of problem, choked here and there so I made the decision to get rid of everyone of them
  15. I'll quarantine it for at least 2 weeks before I add into the disaplay tank. Play safe will pay off
  16. It takes time after you add in those PO4 reducing agents before those cyno will disappear. Good things don't happen "overnight" in this hobby.
  17. what tang is that in the center of the photo? Chevron is latest from ML right?
  18. Looks ultra skinny ah. Must feed a lot to keep up with the lost of body mass.
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