what do you meant by "The tank water doesn't feel slimy at all".
I know for my case freshly prepared saltwater or old saltwater from the tank also no diff in feeling.
Those rabbit fish might attack your corals (especially clams) if they are hungry and have nothing to eat. A yellow tang or bristletooth tang like chevron maybe better idea.
That is provided the tomites gets into the UV chamber in the first place.
With the required low flow rate of around 1000 l/h for a 36W 12x coralife turbo twist. The turn over for a 400L tank would be abt 2.5x/hr which is a little too low to eliminate the parasite completely. Somemore some pple recommend only 6x turbo twist which is 18W and the flow rate required is even lower at 500 l/h so the turnover is even lower. Or worst they use those normal UV where the contact time is even shorter so killing power is even lower
The fish would be reinfected before the UV had a chance to directly kill them.
UV will generate a small amount of ozone and this small amount of ozone will improve the water condition leading to lesser stress for the fish and hence the fish has a better chance to fight the disease.
That is why UV works for some and doesn't work for others even when they are properly setup with the correct flow rates because for the latter there still other stress factors that are not eliminated.
The ich tomites (free swimming infectious stage) are considered the same level as corals and inverts so any medication that is effective against the tomites will certainly have the same effect on your corals and inverts.
Won't the PBT, AT and Sohal fight to death when they are more established and probably all needs to be introduced at the same time else the first one to arrive will be the king and will wack the hell out of the new comers.