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Everything posted by weileong

  1. your bonus will be pro-rated @ (8/12 * the announced bonus)
  2. Okie here's the interesting part. Most skimmer photos don't show close in of the bubblesand only show a white milky main body which doesn't really meant anything. Now I am showing macro photos of the bubbles in my BARR aquatic beckett and deltec AP850 needlewheel. I just able them as skmmer A and skimmer B, can you identify which photo is from which skimmer? Now skimmer A first.
  3. test run with freshwater and at the same time run with warm water to clean the skimmer.
  4. The label on the pump. Specs wise similar to a standard 1260
  5. Top view of the pump. I think the only "customisation" is just this connector at the top, I think if the recirculation pump ever kon out then we can just purchase one off the shell locally and fit it with the correct fitting.
  6. The custom ehiem 1260 (65w) pump with their patented needlewheel.
  7. Roidan, this skimmer will serve my 2ft cube FOWLR, I can't run a beckett on it can I? I think for tank of these sizes needlewheel are a better choice.
  8. All out of the box See how they pack the skimmer?
  9. The eggs are below my big SPS colony, I think difficult to transfer
  10. Mummy...... no wonder these few days keep kicking up the sandbed. Preparing the cave for their babies.
  11. I fully agree with following the manufacturing's recommendation. Here's what I meant by "dosing more zeostart" (perhaps I should have explained in more detail). If you continue to dose zeostart at the same dosage and the amount of zeostart can only reduce the nutrients at the same level as they are introduced into the system then you will not be able to achieve the purpose of nutrient reduction. Only by increasing the amount of zeostart can you to removed the pooled nutrients. What I meant by increasing is for example from 2ml daily to 2.5ml daily and for example by measuring the PO4 to see if the PO4 is dropping to determine if higher dosage is needed. At the same time the corals should be monitored for thinning of tissues at the tips or brown slime.
  12. Best to observe your corals and also measure the parameters in order to decide to increase or reduce your dosage. This is the case where lesser is better than more. More does more harm than lesser dose.
  13. This post might be of interest to anyone interested in zeovit. The author talks abt not using kalkwasser in order for cheap fast solution of binding PO4 which will leak out later causing high PO4 problem. For those that had been using kalkwasser to "solve" your PO4 problem, in future you get PO4 leaching problem you know why http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...923#post3353923
  14. You should just be dosing zeofood twice a week since you're already 4 weeks after replacing your zeolites. Recommended dosage for the first two weeks would 2 drops/2 drops every 2 days dose for 7 times for zeobak and zeofood and 2ml zeostart every day. After that the next 4 weeks you would dose twice a week at 2 drops/2 drops for zeobak and zeofood. For zeostart 2ml daily. Recommended to turn your skimmer off for 30-60 mins after dosing (take this chance to clean your skimmer). Are you using a reactor, if so then try to interval the reactor at 3hr cycle as that will help to increase the speed of nutrient reduction so you reach stage 2 faster Monitor your PO4 levels, if PO4 shoots up then increase your zeostart dosage to like 3ml daily, once you get brown slime or sps color become pale then stop dosing zeostart for 3 days then reduce dosage to 1ml/daily. Your tank volume very similar to mine so the above it what I am doing Those that kanna SPS RTN are those that dose too much from the start and the SPS cannot adjust to the lowered nutrient so RTN
  15. Okie lar.... $68 is cheaper compared to going to "Yun Nam" for hair lost treatment
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