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Everything posted by weileong

  1. The latest barr aquatic beckett have the similar "twist and turn" feature avaliable on H&S and deltec and that makes cleaning the collection cup a breeze Major problem abt beckett skimmer is the injector can get choked easily and if this happens then it will results in the skimmer not skimming well especially if you run it with non pressured-rated pumps. So if you use a beckett better install a strainer to prevent the choking of the injector. Needlewheel are not spared too (except that bubbleking with titanium needlewheel), kanna some snails then the needlewheel might be damaged. End of the day, no particular type of skimmer is difficult to maintain, just depends on how it is designed. You can have needlewheel that requires to loosen 6 nuts in order to clean the collection cup This is called user friendliness. One important factor in choosing a skimmer too.
  2. Garang bicolor anthias.... but lost to the garang gamma lol... lost my more garang one during that major power outbreak *sob*
  3. sob.... poor dory(s).. bro diabolus, scold scold no use one.... let him keep on buying and burning money. See how long he can last
  4. This bicolor grumpy enuff? Still no fight for AP ah lol
  5. weipro got ORP controller... saw in EAN before.
  6. oh ya ma xiao ling mini gets shorter in part III Total 36 EP.... all in cantonese.
  7. You know what's call VD ? lol.... Sorry lah boss... this one too cheem for me.
  8. If you love him then you still wanna fry and eat? lol....
  9. Right now i attach my yuma to some LR then bury the LR onto the sandbed. I supposed PVC pipes will work for your LPS.
  10. For better aircon, just add more insulation to the high pressure pipe. That will certainly improve your air-con. Cost less than $5 for sure.
  11. Wow power power man Looks like grouper lol.... super duper grumpy look. However these type of look still no fight for the fat AP swimming around.
  12. like the deltec epoxy, pls arrange for me to collect
  13. Save the trouble and money and you saving already
  14. confirm red sea one Common ones got yellowish tail
  15. someone looking for me? Starting interesting, the more you watch the more interesting but the ending a bit like not so shiok Gers not so chio.
  16. yeeee..... maybe can feed to those stray cats roaming ard...
  17. I think your garang guy will convert your reef into FOWLR soon
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