The latest barr aquatic beckett have the similar "twist and turn" feature avaliable on H&S and deltec and that makes cleaning the collection cup a breeze
Major problem abt beckett skimmer is the injector can get choked easily and if this happens then it will results in the skimmer not skimming well especially if you run it with non pressured-rated pumps. So if you use a beckett better install a strainer to prevent the choking of the injector. Needlewheel are not spared too (except that bubbleking with titanium needlewheel), kanna some snails then the needlewheel might be damaged.
End of the day, no particular type of skimmer is difficult to maintain, just depends on how it is designed. You can have needlewheel that requires to loosen 6 nuts in order to clean the collection cup This is called user friendliness. One important factor in choosing a skimmer too.