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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by weileong

  1. bro, very cool eh, you too delicated already Careful of that two-headed doggy running around lately, later kanna bite.
  2. Take a light and shine onto the sump see where is the source of the micro bubbles then try to eliminate it. Most likely it is because by your beckett producing too much micro bubbles, this can be fixed by install baffles of suitable width in your sump. Using foam to kill the bubbles might cause flooding when they are dirty.
  3. Impressive Got time i better take a look at time too.
  4. T5 can keep SPS and hold the color but provided your tank nutrient level is very low That is why some pple success with T5 and some sps keeper end up with all chocolate bar.
  5. lol.... my tomini, twin spot does this too Guess all bristletooth are the same.
  6. See what they getting with Goniopora in zeovit system. Reproduction of blue Goniopora
  7. pple asking for frags and two you come disturb *beat* *beat*
  8. For you only Better bring something "decent" to me lol.
  9. koy...... come this evening and be rewarded
  10. 1/4 tank for most car 12.5litres or even lesser. One litres ard $1.7 and abt $21 50% off ard $11.50 The jam? The toll? And have to drive all the way up north. Maybe if you stay in the north still okie, further away then forget it. End up you save a few dollars. Remember you car move ard also got wear and tear
  11. Just saw at shell, 20+5% seems like more discount again
  12. Ya lor too many of these beauties "up lorry" in our tank because reefer's tank are not ready!
  13. Please state your tank parameters/conditions and supporting equipments so we can be better judge if you are SPS ready. If you're truely SPS ready, I won't mind pass you some frags.
  14. No expert fish died long ago. Buy fish and throw in without quarantine sooner or later kanna ich, so no choice must learn how to cure your fishes.
  15. please state your tank/parameters/supporting equipment/reefing experience.
  16. This morning I saw shell 15+5%
  17. Looks great Stage 3 coming soon.
  18. Bring to my house, I use zeovit stuff spray paint for you. Confirm color color.
  19. Ang mo too cheem dunno how to spell indirect lol.
  20. What the XYZ, your tank 3x larger than mine and how can I have what you don't have lol...
  21. and a few bowl of laska near PR, yummy... when we going there? very soon hor lol.
  22. Your tank so much goody you dare to say you've nothing to exchange? Don't go market sell fish hor?
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