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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Sorry never try that salt before. How's the parameters for that salt? I looking at the kH and Ca. So far using TM pro reef.
  2. That's very true. I would not trust something I've no control over. Every new batch of salt I buy, I also test for NO3 and PO4 after I mix the salt. One wrong move and that might spell trouble.
  3. Mine takes 36mins to cool down 0.8degs with LA3 + 3x250W blasting.
  4. Can cool can already ma. Simon's case is when all his MH at full blast the chiller runs non-stop and instead of cooling the temp slowly creep up. Running these type of reflector the temp very hot one that's why better to keep the lights slightly higher. Also good to prevent burning your sps too.
  5. If you using artica 1/2hp there's no need to upgrade to 3/4hp 3/4hp are for those weak chillers that are designed to run non-stop one.
  6. Hey Terryz, sometimes people makes mistakes as they got the wrong info from elsewhere and maybe that's the reason why some reefers feel that hypo treatment doesn't work as they applied it wrongly.
  7. Wait for Sealife redsea shipment. Ask Sam to give you a call when the shipment arrives then you could go down.
  8. Maybe replace all the snails with a bristletooth tang.
  9. 龙龙与忠狗 , 万里寻父 , 小海獭 lol.... childhood memories coming back
  10. lol.... ku kua ku kua xiao qin hua. Oh ya wondered why no "xiao tian tian" hor
  11. No need to buy lar... make at your house lor.. red wine, white wine, rice wine, mango wine, apple wine, banana wine, volka etc lol
  12. Later all the SPS shred their tissues then you know.
  13. Your hardwork will be rewarded when your SPS shows you nice colors
  14. Simon, maybe your rocks more dirty so that's why taking longer time to shed. Stronger proper flow, better skimmer + regular siphoning will fix those detritus.
  15. I noticed my LR shred a lot during the first 2-3 weeks and now almost like nothing already. Eventually coraline will start growing on the bottom.
  16. Good luck, you can't go wrong with that one lol. After that you'll know what's call "chilling power"
  17. Shiok hor, whole house no need lights liao Quickly go roast your acros ang ang.
  18. AP850 replaced with AP851 already Difference is the bigger collection cup.
  19. My deltec one had a microfilter before the ball valve. But then the flow control is at the inlet. Putting the flow control at the outlet don't really make sense as the effluent is always dusty.
  20. Blue face angels quite good boy one, it's the other type not so colorful one then need to kill. I also think w/o center bracing would be easier to maintain, maybe use thicker glass and thicker side bracings.
  21. His CR flow control at the effluent outlet and the flow control done with the orange ball valve. The small opening would cause the dirt in the effluent to accumulate with time and that caused the choking. What he has to do is to open and close the ball valve to clear the choke. But the root caused is not solved and the CR choked very soon after that.
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