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Everything posted by weileong

  1. is this yours? where did you buy it? Very beautiful
  2. green one got from zoo, brown one from pasir ris. Can't wait for the color to fully change.
  3. Updated photo. Now the zoo is place further at the rear of the tank so difficult to photo properly. I epoxy it to the LR. Center green reducing and changing to blue color after one week under the MH. Another zoo photo.
  4. very similar to my setup except I using 150w BLV 10kk MH and one AC cooling fan. Temp stays around 26-28deg C depending on the ambient temp. Need constant topping up of water so I setup a drip system of 1 drop/sec else too much evaporation. Now tempting to go for 4ft or 5ft tank. Cannot resist the temptation heheh.
  5. My company have the digital meter and probe for testing of NO3 ions. However the price you won't like to know and I won't want to pay for it. I don't think we need to get such accurate reading too. Just have a general feel of the NO3 conc like close to 0 ppm, 5ppm, 10ppm. Therefore a chemical test kit would be good enough. Hanna instruments sells a cheap (ard USD$400) digital colorimeter which still requires adding of chemical for reaction then sensing the color (done by the machine). I think for most of us just stick with the test kit is good enough.
  6. Here's a photo. Taken on 26th Oct that is last sunday. Sorry for the super lousy shot as this was a "test" shot and the only one I've currently. I will take a better one this evening when I reach home and I will post it for you. However you can have an idea of the color The color is much better now since it's exposed longer under the MH.
  7. I got the zoanthid from Zoo last week. Then placed directly under my 150W 10KK MH 5" deep. Now the color come out very nice just like in the photo. Very worth it. The frag I got has one "big" one, maybe a mushroom but the color also very nice.
  8. I am using the Tetra NO3 test kit and the NO3 for my tank water reads 12.5ppm. So I tested the freshly prepared SW and also 12.5ppm. Then I went to measured my tap water and it reads also 12.5ppm. I think something is wrong with the test kit. Like to ask what brand of NO3 test kits you guys are using?
  9. I just removed another one from the LR. It is green in color Pls PM me if you like to keep it else I will be throwing it back to the sea. Collection area in Haig Road, near Paya Lebar MRT station or Ubi Techpark where I work.
  10. I saw some blue lobster selling in PR, just wondering if it is good to keep in my reef? Can it mixed with the cleaner shrimps?
  11. I used the kH powder for my planted tank. It is Sodium Bicarbonate. You can buy it off the shelf from NTUC as soda bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda etc.
  12. I noticed that there is always some creature that "shoots" out some light brown color "shit". Then after lights off, there are some white color (smooth looking to me, w/o obvious legs) crawling out of the LR. Are those worms good and should I get rid of it?
  13. anyone wants a mantis? abt 3cm long, just removed it from the LR. If not takers then I'll throw it back to the sea, maybe marina parade beach. It's the common green one with dots on it's back. pls PM me.
  14. Hi, Pls help to ID these coral, need to confirm. Sone sort of Goniopora Some sort of polyps Mushroom ???
  15. I noted which hole the mantis hide. Cos I saw it's two eyes. Then I remove the LR and pour baking soda solution into that hole. Then the mantis fly out like a bullet after I put the LR back into the tank. I think it was quite confused and came to the surface and I just scoop it out with my net.
  16. I removed one 3cm one from the LR. Anybody wants it? pls PM me. If not I will throw it back to the sea.
  17. I think i've one big patch of brown zooanthids that came with my LR. They are very small ones.
  18. I think my tank has just completed it's cycling. NH3 = 0 NO2 = 0 NO3 = 12.5ppm. I will need to perform a 50% water change. After that how long more do I need before I can add my first coral? Any easy and nice first coral to recommend?
  19. Now running with 150W BLV 10KK. Very bright, 12" above water surface. Water temp is 27-28degs with one AC fan running. Will be adding another AC fan today, see if can push the temp a bit lower.
  20. I've been to the office. Saw the housing. the 250watt one is quite okie.
  21. Hmm.... I could go with the 70watt too. I can only use 15watts FL with this tank and if I add 4 15watts FL then there will be not much space on top of the tank. Installing cooling fans will be difficult too. May 70watts MH is the better way?
  22. Hi, Setting up a small tank of dimension 21"(L)x16"(W)x12"(H). Have already added 3" of grade 0 sand as substrate and I measure the water height to be 12". Was thinking of keeping 2 small clownfish and some soft corals. However the light is a headache that I need your advise. Thinking of using the BLV 150W 10KK MH, will this be overkill (too much light) or should I go with the 70W instead. Was thinking that with the 150W bulb I can hang the light higher from the water surface and hence it should reduce the water temp? Thanks.
  23. You can try to get the BLV 150W 10K DE bulb from here. http://www.viclite.com/viclite/promotion_3.htm They sell some housing for the MH as well.
  24. It just bury itself at the edge of the tank and I just happen to see it there by chance. Where got want to show off? It's a new tank and I just added the LR today after I had the tank cycling for one week so I paid attention to see what stuffs came with the LR.
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