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Everything posted by weileong

  1. You are spot on! It's the driver and never the car!
  2. Are you sure EVERY traffic light so bad? lol. I think the situation is not so bad right? Oh yes I think at every traffic light I will have a fully kitted G9 Corolla with an Ah beng driver in it starring at me. Then once the lights turns green he zooms off and I just think how much petrol he has burned. Fully kitted doesn't meant the driver is beng right? Driving a Civic doesn't meant all the civic drivers are beng right? And P-plate doesn't meant super lousy driver, tap brakes when get tailgated by cabbies. And not all cabbies drive like they own they rd right?
  3. I wanna find excuse go your house see your tank ma Everyday post picture to tempt pple but don't let us go see lol. Looks like I need to go CF again soon.
  4. changed 100litres of water on 8th Feb 2004. Checked water parameter on 10th Feb 2004. kH: 7 dkH Ca: 460ppm NO3: 0.2-0.5ppm (difficult to see the difference with the salifert chart) PO4: 0 ppm pH: 8.19 to 8.4 ORP: 150 mv (need to double confirm).
  5. The probe is quite new one. One think is check with standard solution give correct reading. When you open house your tank for me? I bring to your house and double confirm with your ORP meter together
  6. The dennerle pH controller that I am using is quite good, got mine around $450 3yrs ago. Maybe Taiwanese brands a bit cheaper like $300+ to $400. Mine still running strong. Don't go for industrial one, too $$$. They give very good service. I dropped my unit and lost one of the calibration button. I wrote to them and they promptly send me one for replacement FOC. It's nothing great but I felt their response was super fast and service is great. They did tell me aquatechnics is the local distributor but they service me directly in this case. I borrow the ORP meter from my office just to see how's the ORP in my tank so no lost on my side As to the car hor, I just bring back to them for servicing when the timing is up, don't anyhow go back complain abt this and that, even some slight funny noise from the door panel I also never go back complain unlike my other friends so how can they think I always go back pick on this and that? The engine now misfiring on low RPM, I scared later engine blow up so I send back for them to check and got very unfriendly from them, told me if I wanna "do" it will take "dunno how many days' wow piang, under warranty they treat you like this? might as well buy from PI and save some $$$ plus no need to send a few hundreds on servicing everytime.
  7. yes there is a relation between the pH and ORP. However they are not the same. The pH meter actually reads the pH electrode in mV and then convert into pH value according to the calibration. However the probe used for pH and ORP are different. My office is walking distance from Honda showroom so I am back in the office The service pple there not too friendly one.
  8. hmm... your tap water reading close to mine. Actually I verify the ORP meter by using some standard solution and the reading is correct. 250-275mv reads abt 260mv. So my tank ORP is about 150mv which is pretty low. Will need to monitor. Car got some problem and back in Honda so I am grounded else supposed to go buy salifert Mg testkit.
  9. see buay chio man.... see my own tank compared to yours I sian half already. Still waiting for it to stablise down before I add in LS. Have you tried to measure your kH? Mine is abt 6-7 then I add carbonate buffer to push up to 11dkH and then 3 days later drop again back to 6-7... changed 100 litres of water still like that. Checked ORP around 150mV but I think ORP meter not accurate cos I check tap water also around there. Have you test the ORP of your tap water?
  10. errrm... that's what I intend to do with my MD55 if it ever arrives.
  11. No need to really drill your sump to put the pump external. Just use a inverted U tube so draw the water out will do. Or you can make that with two elbows.
  12. the coraline can tahan acid dip??? so strong meh?
  13. after soak in acid you wash it clean and rinsh in bleach can liao
  14. I had done some test with my 1.25hp titanium relief. With and without 2 high powered pump submersed in my sump. The different in running time is almost double!!! So what I guess if you change to the Titanium Relief but still keep the two pumps in the water, the run time will not be too much difference. Check out this thread. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=10820&st=45
  15. can try soak in bleach, not sure if can come off or not. If not soak in acid
  16. Very big thank you! Where to buy this?? Can post a photo or not heheheh.
  17. My 1.25hp Titanium more quiet than my old TW6. Thousand of different opinion here with so many pple around, so are just wanting to see you buy the wrong product and die only! If see you get what they think is inferior product and it works badly then they will add oil to fire. If see you get something good which they think is no good they just keep quiet
  18. Any other heat load like submersed pumps etc besides your 2x250W MH ? How long does it takes to raise 2 degs currently?
  19. those hardware shops selling the pipings should have those fittings you need to mate to the EV-240 gate valve.
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