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Everything posted by weileong

  1. hey... I got 4 or 5 small ones in my tank too. Must have came with the LR. Remember yrs ago I used to be able to find them under the LR on Paris Ris beach during low tide.
  2. I'm also in the same dilemma as you and I also missed the fine print until Hon told me so and it does make sense
  3. pls share your lobang, pm me pls.
  4. Heng ah... I choose the commerical one! Who cares abt environmental friendly or not. But come to think abt it, you get the 1/3hp that consumes more power, you're just transferring more air pollution to the power station. R22 not ozone friendly nevermind, the small compressor don't use so much coolant Opps I not supposed to talk like this as I always have to tell my customer to be enviromentally friendly.
  5. RA680 rating is 400W abt 1/2hp cooling power. This chart does not take into consideration the heat load from pump, lights etc.
  6. 500L because it is kept at 15 degs C For lobster you see ???? You don't keep lobster or pengiuns right? Maybe keep penguins need 3hp one for your tank.
  7. Ah... see the specs properly and you do the maths. For DA-500B, 1/2hp consumption is 2.8A 230W = 644W but rating says 1170W probably referring to cooling power? Then DBM-250 1/3hp consumption is 3.5A 230W = 805W but rating say 1000W probably also referring to cooling power. Actually makes sense since the commerical chillers have strong exhaust fan and hence more efficient. So don't just look at the paper specs, gotta check it out in details if avaliable.
  8. For commerical chiller (aircon look alike)
  9. The same applies to TECO too (at least for the TW6) Don't believe go check it out properly.
  10. Errmmm... the cooling power is different The TW6 can't even chill my tank with all my MH, pumps running Don't read too much into the HP rating, sometime no so accurate and you gotta be sure what you paid for is what you get
  11. Wow sounds like really desperate case. I would do the same if I were you. My existing chiller is not so hot. I can still put my legs on it and not get burn Give some feedback after your chiller is installed okie?
  12. My tank only 800l you want me to go for 1hp? Already max capacity at 800l, no more upgrading unless I move house. Actually before that was thinking of the 1hp but later I count my dollar notes think consumption too high. Are you going to 1hp? Polar bear will reproduce in your tank
  13. aiyo.... mine only can install on Monday. Okie lar, I also not free this evening and over the weekends. Don't rush, good things only happen slowly
  14. IK$ ??? wow..... I got no money for that type of stuff man. Maybe just try to DIY and external temp controller. My whole tank volume around 800l so confirm no problem cooling Throw in 400W MH later also no problem heheh.
  15. Are you going for polar bear (1/2hp) or pengiuns (1hp)??
  16. what's the size of your YT and AT ? When I add in my Salifin Tang, the YT LL only cos it is 2-2.5x it's size. oh BTW I think I got a timid salifin tang, always go into hiding when I go near the tank and refused to eat, just peck on LR. Cham liao. Same thing happened to my YT too, took about a month before it starts to eat mysis.
  17. wow your tank looks so nice! With the AT even nicer! Think I am getting addicted to AT liao Probably end up with an AT few months later.
  18. Errmmm... it was recommend to use 3000 l/h flow for my chiller and that is why I switched that to my main return pump. Before that I was driving the chiller with my 1260 which still takes water from sump and returning it to the main tank. This also drives my UV sterilizer too. Would be using MD40 for my new chiller which will be install at the ceiling. Probably will be having a close loop with that which is a much better idea. When that happens you will see that the temp drops very fast and the chiller will stop running. Encounter many times already.
  19. It shallowed it alive! I think that is a tube worm? Not so sure. I guess I will remove it if I see it again. The more I think the more I don't feel safe. But my fishes are all big ones I meant the 3 tangs. The other 2 clowns and firegoby I don't really care too much. Oh yes I ambushed some crabs last night. Been doing that quite a while. Just go via their blind spot so your pincers are hidden by the LR then grab them, not successful so far as they cling onto the LR quite well and they escaped everytime. This morning I just chase one to a corner of the LR and squash it to death. Immediately my cleaner shrimps rushed over for a nice breakfast
  20. I still dunno if good or bad since it eats another worm alive!
  21. Almost all gone into the stomach. Poor chap.
  22. Poor bristleworm got shallow already, left the tail. Ribbon worm body fat fat. Now can see the brown color thru the body of the ribbon worm.
  23. The fight goes on. Bristleworm kanna dragged out. You can see the head of the bristleworm as well as the body.
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