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Everything posted by weileong

  1. i've one anemone also went MIA after I shift it from my old 100 litres to my current 4ft. That was 3 months ago but nothing happened to my tank.
  2. new addition. Special thanks to Bro Roidan who SMSed me. Was too busy today to keep track of the forum. Owe you one kopi. Now dripping water from sump in a small plastic container.
  3. First of all if they don't know the floating or clip on norti is food then whatever type of smell they also won't go eat. I tried this method for long time but no success. But they peck on LR for algae. Then accidentally peck on the norti and know it is food then they will recognise those clip on one soon
  4. Take a small pc of LR. You think that will create a problem when you have a big tank? If you're talking abt a nano then you should not be even keeping a tang in the first place Anyway tang die or bacteria die is your choice, I take the later
  5. I got it from CF. Still a few left there. LCK110 has one left on Sunday when I was there. But all the rest do not have that big black dot on the body. Thanks for telling me the name of the fish. Your tang must be pecking at the LR first in order for this to work. The trick is to wet the norti, then spread it on a piece of LR to dry it under the sun. Then put in back. Now be patient and wait for the tang to peck on the LR with the dried norti. Once it starts to peck that norti, it will soon learn how to eat norti that is clip elsewhere in the tank. I dried the norti under the MH lights
  6. Max, I had followed your same advise the other day after you left. Found that the spray injector was choked till left 10% and that was why my EV-240 was not foaming properly, many big bubbles. Now I follow your advise to tune it properly and it worked greatly and of course the bubbles are much finer No more burping too. The other two place you like to check is the air valve and spray injector, make sure they are not choked.
  7. sign.... my tangs still dunno how to appreciate them! Cleaner shrimps winning at this moment.
  8. open the gate valve 1/4 turn at a time. Wait for a few hrs to let the skimmer settle down before you tweak further.
  9. terry, my tank is 4x2x2.5ft. I saw bro Roidan using then got me interested, happened to see it on sale in LFS then bought it. Use it 24/7, don't dare to switch it off
  10. chemical like rowaphos etc will be done in a fluidised bed filter. Decided to do away with the ref, if necessary will connect a 2ft cube as ref externally.
  11. so it doesn't get sucked up by the return pump and then back to your tank.
  12. Nope the sump just holds water. If refigium is needed I've a 2ft cube that can be connected up. This sump is way too small. That design might be a little complicated so I've changed to a simple one, actually this comes from a senior reefer.
  13. Changed the design to this. Water from overflow pipe comes into first chamber, goes thru one set of baffle then flows to the MD55 compartment where water is pumped to the skimmer. Skimmer return to skimmer return comparment and goes thru 2 sets of baffles to kill any bubbles before reaching the return pump compartment if MD55 compartment overflow then water will overflow to skimmer return compartment then back to the return pump compartment return pump compartment water level will be taken care by TUBBY so should not run dry. Maybe tank maker see already will faint.
  14. further to that, rowaphos can get from Ocean Planet, Marine life. Not too sure if they got stock so pls call and check.
  15. most of us with UV sterilizer are running it in our tank. Too risky to put it off line to borrow you
  16. more likely two weeks or longer. Better to save up and buy one unit yourself. What will happen when you start to stock up in future? You can't be sure any fish you add in does not have ich. You've already know how expensive this hobby is so $3K is not really a lot
  17. and you see them go stealing and landed up in police station. Parents have to go bail them out.
  18. Like to clarify, this is what I observed in my tank. Does not meant the UV sterilizer is the answer to ich. You buy already if not success don't come flame me
  19. Save your $$$ go for the 36W. You get 4x the power at 2x the price. I used already no more ich but it could be due to other reason but that is what I observed. Remember to run it with a flow rate of not more than 290gph as recommended in the manual for effective killing of parasites. E Aquarists' Place also selling.
  20. Don't "wack" they never learn. I'm with marinebetta too. If not kids nowadays are really one kind...
  21. Finally got my salifin tang to eat norti. After some tips from a senior reefer.
  22. Decided to redesign my sump so can make all pumps external as well as kill all the nasty bubbles. Need some comments. I think not too practical to built, gotta be $$$ due to so many baffles. skimmer is external to sump. Water flows back from overflow box. Goes thru 2 baffle to kill the bubbles and to lower the height with the 2 sets of baffles. The water flows over to the 2xMD55 which goes to my skimmer. Skimmer returns to the small compartment and then flows to the return pump compartment via one baffle to kill any bubbles. Any excess flow from the return pump compartment will overflow back to the main compartment. Any suggestion from the experts?
  23. coralife turbo twist. This extends the contact him compared to other brand/design. I am using the 36W one in my 4ft, no more ich Newly added salifin tang (added 4 weeks ago) also no ich visible till now. no white spots visible also even after I rescape my tank last week till now.
  24. I am looking for a carptener to come my place to strengthen my wooden tank holding my 4ft. Need to add a center beam support at the center of the front and rear of the stand. Do you have anyone to recommend? I'll have to remove my sump for that purpose and will take the chance to redesign and make a new sump. Best if both services can be provide by the same person.
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