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Everything posted by weileong

  1. wow bro, just post 10mins expect reply if use PVC then JIS 20mm PVC pipe direct connection. if use soft tubing then ehiem 25/32mm.
  2. really pengz.... so many pple wanna snatch. I give up man. Butahan fight this way
  3. how much you wanna for the acro frag? Any photo?
  4. that's very true But sometimes you see the condition of the fish is quite bad and there's a high chance of losing it or that fish is very $$$ so there goes the medication. Else let the fishes fight it out is the best solution. Anyway if the fish kanna before should have some resistance already. The 2nd round no need medication anymore
  5. Can try malachite green too but confirm not clam safe
  6. updated design. I guess almost done finalise now. Combined the advantage of my first design and the 2nd one w/o the complication of the first design (tank maker might pengz when he sees the first drawing). In this design water from the skimmer return (skimmed water) will not mixed with the water from overflow (preskimmed water) unless the preskimmed water is higher flow what the skimmer pump flow rate. Any problem you can see from this design?
  7. Ah... I wonder how much the LFF would be charging... maybe better to go there look rather than keep one in your tank. Scarely get ich and die then really bang man.
  8. They allow you to hang carry the fish in right? Just say for personal hobby use? Only thing I not sure if the US custom side will allow you to bring it out. You know they don't even check your passport on the way out !
  9. Went thru one course of Malachite green treatment last night. This morning all the white spots has disappear. Will follow thru the treatment for the next 11 days (instructions says 6 days) to ensure I get rid of the parasite. This medication is no good for clams but heck one of my clams got murdered by bristleworm yesterday Some fighting with my salifin tang (see the damanged fins) for the first 2 days but I see the fighting has stopped *phew*
  10. Go for SQ A340, direct 16hrs, not too bad
  11. At this price in the states I would buy an air ticket then hand carry it back
  12. Boss, super chio AT What do you feed the AT with? Mine is still pecking on the LR and today it took a nip at the norti already. Saw 1 or 2 dots on it's body. SOP again
  13. The green frogspawn can buy more than 50% of my AT Changing my sump and reinforcing the tank's wooden stand coming next so new LS will be on hold for a while. Might be going to fast for the tank and my pocket so they both need a good rest
  14. Wonder if you still remember the "glow in the dark" episode Some photos after it extended.
  15. Everyday? Wow... that means lots of photos on a daily basis... great! I love them.
  16. Maybe I'll only add in the PBT when I upgrade my tank Bro Nutx, that is green frogspawn. I just shifted it to a new location so it is not extending fully when the photo was taken.
  17. wasted my 2ft cube not ready.... else..... (go roidan's house and rob his tank)
  18. aiyo..... that means that one that got taken before mine was on the top level center tank. Very wasted cos was very busy yesterday, I only received the tip off at ard 6:40pm..... else I would have got the best one..... nevermind very happy with this one so don't think anymore Errm... can I buy a pbt next? pls don't come and arrest me
  19. There were at least 5 AT, I think you came after me? Two with tear drop at the left side top level. There were 3 small ones w/o tear drop in the tank in front of the shop and one more with tear drop but Edwin says got parasite on the floor. I was there around 7pm and left around 7:45pm, it rained heavily. I did not carry enough cash with me as there were some last min unplanned purchase as well so went to the POSB ATM to draw some $$$. Maybe I missed you during that time. So it makes sense if you came after me which they're left with 4
  20. Opps tang police come already. Errrr.... this AT borrow from Roidan one Got it from PR yesterday. Received tip off abt the shipment and cheong down to grab in 10mins time. Now at the SPS side of my tank, still long long way to go before fully stocked. Will take my time. Maybe just go buy those brown out old stock and test my luck. Really head pain to try to capture it, the black body makes adjusting the correct exposure difficult! Bro Roidan must have very good photography skills Now it spends all it's time swimming around and pecking on the LR. I will use the LR trick on it tomorrow Let's hope it starts eating norti soon.
  21. Spend some time to send the algae at the bottom of the tank. Better shot with all MH running.
  22. I am none of those you mentioned. But I did take a very close look at the black caps Almost tempted lol.
  23. what time were you guys there? I reached there ard 7pm and left at around 7:45pm I think.
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