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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Bought my first series in 2000. Trying to collect the whole series but Singapore seems like only selling 3 only. Now showing on SCV ch 56 6:30 to 6:50 Mon-Fri.
  2. I hope your "little tank update" won't be updating that your balcony has collapse then that would be news. Like bro Roidan said already, don't put also put already so let it be. If really crack and you need to shift the tank, that's big operation already. Nevermind after your tank is in new location your RSB will be able to keep the water very clean
  3. 16-20 pple don't stand still in your balcony for 3-4 yrs right? Somemore this 16-20 pple are squeezed into a 4x4ft space
  4. You already have the ozone right? wow now with UV, double killing power Pls keep us updated
  5. I was reading the book Crustacea Guide of the world and the peppermint from LCK110 seems more identail to Lysmata sp than Lysmata Californica who is labelled as peppermint shrimp. So which is actually the real peppermint ??? sign.... but keeps going into my sump
  6. I read somwhere that the ich parasite is on the same level as the corals so whatever that is effective against the parasite will cause the same effect on the corals as well Off we go to the disease treatment forum Wow this thread really rojak already, from tank setup to chiller, to fish, to ich, to medication etc
  7. big boss just says the green solution is out so one item off my shelf. Ensure good water quality so your fishes get less stressed up and they have a better chance to fight the disease I am no guru... look for senior reefers
  8. I am just wondering if we're talking abt the same LFS No wonder it's so effective against ich Better stop using then.
  9. Die already... don't use already use. So I stop using Heng so far no ill effects seens in my tangs.
  10. This clam passed away on Sat, then the next moment I know the meat inside gone already... wonder who so fast steal it. Must be some nasty crabs. I've not touch it as I don't want to disturb the tank too much bcos of the AT I've inside now. Still some meat left in there so I'm waiting for one crab to go in and I'll close and nab the bugger
  11. Salifin Tang and 6 line wrasse. The salifin tang just started to eat nori few days ago so it's a little skinny now. Give me some time and I'll make it pui pui See the torn tail? Must be the work of the AT. The salifin bully him for the first 2 days and now it is his turn to bully back. The AT seems to be the new king of the tank soon.
  12. once a week Last cleaning was abt 5 days ago if I remember correctly. Mine is brazil kopi-O Here's my blue tang. Growing like a pig everyday.
  13. Nowadays skimmer in action also have to show My work horse and soon to be retired. See how dark the collection cup is. I have to hold my breath when washing kopi-O "kao" for anyone ??? FOC
  14. you're getting rid of the H&S and EV-240 and going for the RSB right Wow confirm water very good quality
  15. 50 fishes??? I never expected so much. Was thinking more in the line of 30 like that Your two poor skimmers must be working real hard. Now I cut the nori into bite sizes and my other tangs are also eating non-stop. Do they actually stop eating? I wanna give my AT some chances means I've to feed until they stop eating. Let's see
  16. aiyo.. keep talking abt the dual becket... lol... I really wanna feed my tangs super fat but just worried by EV-240 cannot cope with the waste from the feedings, you should see how the tangs pass their waste and how it get blown away by the tunze.. instantly. The dual beckett + a higher sump turn over rate should be able to keep my water very clean. Anyway I've no big groups of anthias to feed so I think it is not as bad When they are super fat and healthy then they have more energy to fight the disease. Hey, does tangs suffer from heart disease or not???
  17. Blast your tank with lights and the medication will be gone It is oxidised by the lights. You can use carbon too.
  18. same here, my neon goby has no chance to clean the tangs.. they seems to be freak out when the neon goby jump on them. I just wondered how the rest of the bro train their neon goby to clean their tangs. Wow...... your AT looks so shiok!! Mine only has to bear with the ich
  19. maybe you want to try malachite green. I've used it and seems to be effective on ich. But be warned that this is not safe for clams, clams are very easy to be removed right? The malachite green is also removed and rendered ineffective when there is light so you can only dose when the lights are off. PS needs to be off too. My SPS and LPS are not affected by the medication.
  20. still fat fat, I think very high chance!!! I keeping my finger crossed real hard for mine
  21. Now I tie NORI (pengz.... always spell wrong or typo) to a small piece of LR, but all my other tangs keep going to wack it instead of the AT. The AT got no chance at all. Hiak.... Ah... learn another trick to cut the nori into bite size. How come sump design thread becomes how to get your tang to eat thread? Anyway while we're at it, is there any other trick/tips?? for the benefit of everyone. I guess someone gotta doc these tips down in an FAQ
  22. The concern is that the LR might not have sufficient algae for the tangs. Because of the AT, I had been feeding lots and lots of norti to my tangs for the past few days. I did not even soak them in garlic or mysis juice now and the tangs just eat them raw Sooner or later all of them will be super fat for sure
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