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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Took a long time to wait for it to come out! Then also pretty difficult to shoot as it quickly goes hiding behind the LR. My tangs are even more scared of that big canon lol.
  2. if we had more time, I am sure we could get a even better shot! I've to say that your tangs are the more fat ultra pui pui tangs I ever see! Even better than CF standard and your tank is free of those nasty algae! Wow that's the power of the two skimmer working hard!
  3. I just noticed my cleaner wrasse bitting on the small bits of nori...alamak! I don't believe CF fishes are that good
  4. When you feed it, take a big net and scoope it quickly and catch it unaware!
  5. under 2x250W phoenix 14kk + 1x150W BLV blue. Seems like I can retire the 150W BLV blue and save some electricity bill. My 2x250W BLV are coming to 9 months old and the new bulbs are indeed a lot brighter although the PAR is lower. Can't really see from the photo but with the additional 150W BLV blue on, the tank is much more blue.
  6. My tank under 2x250W 10KK BLV + 1x150W BLV blue.
  7. I came home and found the two cleaner wrasse swimming and actively cleaning the fishes.... heng, the 2nd one must have went to bed early In fact yesterday I just use a net and scoope out the 2nd wrasse Very easy lol.
  8. my BT is the most pui one cos it snatch most of the food. The yellow tang was not feeding too well until abt 2 months ago so still fattening up heheheh.
  9. In this case you can do what I did.... placed a few flat piece of LR at the center part where the flow is strongest to protect the sandbed No need to cover the whole center part as there is just a few spots that requires protection.
  10. Both are same size for my case. Hope it can tahan until my 2ft cube is up running then I'll transfer it over!
  11. how large is your big bully compared to the rest of your tangs? Mine is the smallest abt 2". At 1/2 the size or lesser compared to the rest of the tang, it can't be too aggressive
  12. if you have 2 or more tunze and you place them at each corner. Then the waves will meet somewhere in the center and is the strongest so you can rock scape a hill there and your sandbed will be protected.
  13. last night one gone MIA, this morning I only saw one swimming. I hope it went to bed and not really went missing. That is super fast
  14. When you use a tunze you've to place your LR in the proper places then you won't get the sand bed shifting.
  15. lol... I must have taken too much curry the day before. I not so digusting to bring that out of the toilet and then hold that with one hand and hold the camera with the other hand. Yeee.... puke puke
  16. no chance.... it's didn't come out of it's den fully so I'll wait for aonther night.
  17. I think he bought it in the course of 2 weeks if I remember correctly. I tried to spear a crab earlier on, almost succeeded. I thought already punched thru the shell, should have use more force and press it deep into the sandbed, bury it alive
  18. I am using the ES100 now. The side wet grip is not so good Next change will be SO3.
  19. most probably in the process you break all the SPS... oh yes lots of frags for us after that. Now I am trying to catch one 5mm thick fireworm in my tank, waiting for it to crawl out of it's den then grab it and flush into toilet.
  20. Must be your skills good right??? 1/2 dead fish also can keep alive for 9 months????
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