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Everything posted by weileong

  1. No need to invest, your tangs so fat, what's a little ich gonna do to them? Probably so much fat the ich also no chance to sting them. Kanna the fat then drop out liao.
  2. you only wanted to add one? I wanted to add 4 of that unit for my FOWLR 2 12x twister return and 2 12x twister for overflow. How's that? Errrmmmmm did I hear someone say ich ???
  3. One of my most fun trip so far. Great chat as mentioned by Roidan. I do see quite a few small tangs that I am pretty interested in... hiak too bad my FOWLR tank not ready, if not then sure grab! Great to meet up with everyone
  4. glad to hear your cuke is working well. I still dare not buy one My sandbed is pretty clean too so probably leave things as it is. The sohal been pretty peaceful so far, no fights except as usual the salifin thinks it's the big boss there and tries to be funny with new additions but this time it got ignored by the sohal
  5. I guess very soon! What are the tangs you have now?? Just saw my salifin poo... wow really larger than neon goby. I wanted to take a shot of it but it got disintegrated by the tunze instantly!! not a chance.
  6. Really I wasn't expecting skimmate like this!!! Does the color in the photo match what you see visually? Frags? No problem.... it'll be a long way to go before my tank is fully stocked as I will only be hunting for the more exotic SPS from now on rather than just blind buying any stock that looks good to me
  7. holy cow!!!!! Is that real?? You took some from the toilet is it? Really very impressive bro. Can't wait to put mine online!
  8. But in the beginning you mentioned abt $10 for the 150g ?? Or I read this message wrongly? only after bro BarraCuda posted the direct link then you post the price. Well... thanks to many sharp eyed brothers, the truth is out
  9. Wow my weatherman report is very accurate!!!
  10. How come I didn't know I have some rich buddies. Hmm.... I dunno by what standard you considered rich but at least I know that non of them had gone around LFS telling how much $$$ they had dump into their reef I think you're the rich one
  11. I'm even more afraid of your two good buddies Oh well you know I know already. Talk is dirt cheap. Good luck.
  12. Explaining what you meant by that is called show-off ??? Or rather not able to explain it? okie okie I backed off already if not later the weather turn stormy and later my stupid salifin tang will bite my hands when I try to hand feed it
  13. dropsy can try to cure, take a needle and poke and let the air come out
  14. Anyway... since you've been LFSing around today, did you spot any of your favourite tang??? Which tang are you going to get next? Starting a 10tang club? heheh.
  15. You still didn't explain what you meant by this? Experience can only be backed up by facts Not very good for this case hor. I want to learn and tap from your 20yrs experience, share lei thank you first hor.
  16. thanks bro deepblue, will go grab tomorrow. Heng else later get "tok" by pple!
  17. I never doubt your "experience" anyway you also don't have the photo to show us your super chio 6ft SPS reef that you had prevously. No chance for us to envy!!!! bro jd_n kept a SPS reef and definately can tell if the sps are RTN or not. Moreover I still do not understand what you meant by "colored at the tip already". If I understand correctly you're trying to say the are brown out stock but colored up at the tips. Or due to my inexperience I cannot understand. Pls share your experience
  18. 2 weeks old shipment still good color? moreover you said "colored at the tip already". Do you know what you're talking about?
  19. I want I want! Can tell me which LFS? I go grab tomorrow. Meanwhile got some old stock of this. I tried and wow...... all my fish butahan all cheong come and eat! All corals in feeding mode. If wait longer, maybe worms also come out! super strong smell.
  20. ok ok I give up!!! surrender. Tomorrow we all squeeze onto your gas powered bicycle. I'll be on a roller blade and cling on with a rope Don't brake too hard hor, later I cannot stop in time
  21. DA can sit in the booth. Don't worry very comfortable one No lar I can wake up early, just let me know the time and venue. Wow very excited!!! Cheong all the tekong LFS and see all the tekong new stock!
  22. One fine day this big bubble gonna burst, the bigger the bubble, the worst you suffer when it burst!
  23. somemore brown up + RTN ???? Go LCK110 and find, less than $10 can get liao.
  24. you follow your sis AP lar. We all just squeeze into one car then all our car so small, can only sit 4 person No choice, buy tang buy until broke liao Save petrol.
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