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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Tried and tested last night and it can take the backflow no problem, still got extra capacity but I not pushing it to the limit so I have turned off my MD40 running as return pump. Now turn over rate dropped to abt 2000 l/h In fact I have lowever the water level in the skimmer cos the skimmate is a little too wet so now the backflow will be even lesser I will readjust the water level in the slump after I get the correct water level in the skimmer
  2. Patrick, With you 648 or 848 dual beckett running on one or two MX-70 respectively, you still want to run the H&S ??? I think you can save the $$$$, keep your H&S for your FOWLR
  3. Roidan, pls see the photo that I attached, I used metal chain to support the whole structure so it will not kink See the blue arrow in the photo. Black black kopi-O already skimmed but I was a afraid of overflow if I set the water level too high so I just redirect the drain pipe back to the sump. Have lowered the water level for dryer skimmate I know your beckett also arrived, faster hook it up and serve pple kopi-O Patrick and Deepblue, I've tried to just run one beckett off the MX70 and it seems that spitting it and running two beckett gives a higher bubble density. I say this because the "water level" is higher but that was when I just installed it and the skimmer has not kicked in yet. After that I went to try it again and seems like running off one beckett really gives lower bubble production. Since I already have two beckett I will just run both The hissing noise from the air ###### is quite loud
  4. bro, wow so "early" still not asleep? You know lots of work to be done. I had to redo the PVC from the skimmer return. Connect up the MX-70 etc. Add more saltwater, make sure no leak from the skimmer etc. Luckily I see that my sump still can support the higher volume of water from this skimmer But a new sump will be coming soon as the crazy flow rate from the MX-70 is causing a lot of micro bubbles in the main tank now. Anyway when you receive yours I see how fast you can fire it up. Wow kinda of like the who wants to be a millionaire game show lol.
  5. Fire up at 4:10am, have not adjusted the unit yet. Checking for leakage etc. Very untidy, will be neat once I get my new sump and have the proper piping etc.
  6. AT is using 4x400W and somemore his tank width is only 3ft if I am not wrong But I am sure you should follow what you believe in and continue to use your 2x250W. Go for it sis, believe in yourself rather than what the rest has to say. Show us your colorful SPS
  7. Mike, I kanna all those micro leaks before so this time I ensure I seal all the joints with teflon Last look at the EV-240, my workhorse for the past 6 months. It will have a good home soon.
  8. That is the surround sound speaker
  9. I thought you're the old timer in the beckett club ??? Here's here photos. Using the old trusty coolpix 5000 tonight
  10. that is TS36, you can go check the prices. Oh yes to that person that keep PM me for prices of the tangs, I really got no idea because I don't really go keep an eye on the prices. If you keen, can go CF ask for their prices, all in the price list one. Very sorry can't help you.
  11. Boss' skimmer is 3x larger than mine okie, don't pray pray
  12. Washing in progress. You can see the good old faitful EV-240 in action too.
  13. work in progress, unpacked all the parts
  14. lol... I put those stuffs there on purpose so that the keen eyes can spot it. I had everything single thing ready for this monster Sis Amy, Science Centre was great. Skies was very clear and we had a very good view of the transit of Venus there. Bro Mike Young was there too but cannot stand the heat and he had to go deliver the skimmer so he only stayed for a short moment. To all the bro who shown concern, oh yes I am on leave tomorrow lol Time to work on the skimmer and stop talking
  15. Lots of work to do, not sure if I can get it up by 2am
  16. give me some chance ah.... don't come storm my place Tonight no need to sleep liao.
  17. The toy arrived already, but no time to do anything yet. Worksmanship is first class
  18. Update: My powder blue has reported back. Was bullied by the purple tang. I shall give up on powder blue as I've lost 3 of them so far. Really no luck with them. Even getting those eating ones from CF also no luck. LS update in the tank: 1. 2" Purple tang 2. 2.5" Naso 3. 2.5" Black back butterfly 4. 2" meyer's butterfly 5. 3" watchman goby 6. 2" golden angel The rest not listed here all up lorry. Full house already
  19. Can go with the honda generators, LEV somemore so not so poisonous and it is pretty quiet I think UPS is still better idea afterall.
  20. careful the emission poison the tank instead of saving them
  21. cut cost, recycle sewage Just get 300Ah worth of deep cycle batteries, no problem with power failure
  22. Told you that one MX70 would be enuff to drive 4 becketts and since your is like 6x larger than mine When your skimmer is here we can go your house and have foam party already. I am still resisting the idea of anthias ouch ouch.
  23. Wow sounds like the quad beckett run with 2XMD100 is really coming! Then you can have more than 3 dozen bartletts
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