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Everything posted by weileong

  1. Before you say this, you go check on one of the tank in LCK110. This tank has a big shoal of yellow tang it it. You'll see some dead YT, some get biten ones, they will die one by one and end up left with one or two
  2. you can do a calculation easily MH Lights: 0.5 x 10 x 30 x 0.16 = $24 sec Mh lights: 0.15 x 12 x 30 x 0.16 = $8.64 Ref PL lights: 0.072 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $8.29 pump ehiem 1260 for 2ft FOWLR : 0.065 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $7.49 pump for chiller : 0.085 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $9.79 UV for 2ft & 4ft : 0.072 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $8.29 tunze: 0.135 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $15.55 rowaphos rector pump: 0.01 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $1.15 chiller 0.6 x 5 x 30 x 0.16 = $14.4 circulation pump for CR 0.03 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $2.456 skimmer: 0.25 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $28.8 main return MD40 0.85 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $9.79 Total: $137.79 What else?? Oh yes after red dragon arrive I replace the MD40 and 1260 with it so should be 0.115 x 24 x 30 x 0.16 = $13.25 This is additional of $3.46 so total is $141.25 - $7.49 = $133.76 Also at the same time I will do away with the ref and save some money on the lights for PL, this also introduce lesser heat hence I save even more.
  3. kick your backside... read the earlier post
  4. YT and PT difficult choice. Both are nice. The yellow tang if you can keep it's brillant yellow then very nice. Purple tang I like the color combo... difficult choice. Put both
  5. Even if say special rock bottom price $50/AT you get 30 which is a big shoal also then it's $1.5K wow.... more $$$ than my skimmer lol. Somemore 30 tangs, the poo also can bury you alive
  6. I think my purple tang killed the last two powder blue. But anyway it's no more powder blue for me. Yes I still looking for a small powder brown. At least it's totally difference color from the purple tang. He actually leaves my Naso along because it it different color from it. So I hope the powder brown will be fine. I need one that is smaller than 3" or better still 2.5".
  7. wow so many toy har? good luck good luck. When you get your big shoal of AT remember to show us the photo. I think it's gonna take sometime to get that big shoal of AT as usually they don't bring in too many pcs at one time unless you special order.
  8. I've lost 3 powder blue so far and all from 3 difference source. Therefore I declare I give up on keeping powder blue Not only the fish stress, I also stress seeing it swimming around and then up the lorry next morning. So far I've not lost any tangs except powder blue. Oh man dunno why.
  9. First time I heard of square tank cos technically speaking a tank is also a 3D object so the size description must also be 3D Maybe you can call it AP's 240 gallon SPS reef with big shoal of AT + 3 orange shoulder tank. Long and impressive eh? Wow all AT then all dark dark and even if got gang fight also wack until dunno who's who If still deciding to go ahead or not then cannot be considered hidden toy already. Hidden toy means buy already and still waiting to install or installed and running but hide from others Cannot reach RSB then just modify and install a drain tube from the collection cup. Is this the mod you're going to do it? If still can support then continue to use. Save the $$$ on the chio chio LS better.
  10. put a netting abt 2" from the surface. Then I see how fish or shrimps can dig beyong that
  11. If only that day will arrive.... need to go hunt for SPS liao. When I redo the sump, all these will be taken into consideration. Now my aim is to get the skimmer up running and kicking
  12. 2ft DSB? trying to keep garden eel or what? lol...
  13. AP, sqaure is okie because the base is 4x4 but a cube a 3D shape so it must be 4x4x4. Like my 2ft cube it's called a cube because it is 2x2x2. Wow you don't love your orange shoulders anymore? How come the sudden change of mine? heheh. Hmm... hidden toy ah? Thought you push your old reliable workhorse RSB all the way? Let me guess... aquamedic skimmer ? Or deltec? Quick show us hor or you still waiting for delivery? Hmm.... seems like many pple siao cube nowadays.
  14. After this incident, I give up on PBT already. Even CF stock also can die in my tank. No luck on this man. Purple tang can be quite scary, at night when the lights are off you can only see one yellow tail moving around
  15. One big shoal??? How many dozens of AT or orange shoulder is that??? 2 or 3 ? wow sure very impressive. I think their poo also will flood and kill you oh yes I just wondered abt the topic of this thread. 4ft cube? Thought that's supposed to be 4x4x4? Maybe this can only be considered as 1/2 cube So it's a 4ft 1/2 cube tank lol.
  16. Yeap $30+ a month, maybe lesser than this. 0.25 x 24 x 30 x $0.16 = $28.8 Wow if $30/day I give up reefing already.
  17. Yes they are removable. Everything strips down easily. As for the cleaning of the down tube. It can be done easily by construction one out of 3" PVC pipe. But I'll see how I can cover them. Anyway here's the latest on the skimmer. Trying to adjust for dry skimmate.
  18. This is also my wish and choice but due to space constrain I had to put it this way till I get my new sump done For the moment just endure 1st lol.
  19. I think that's under the bulk order for the rowaphos reactor. They still collecting order 10 pcs
  20. lol.... With all those floating shit in the water , it's never to early to run this skimmer. Oh yes like to comment that the MX70 running pretty quiet and heat wise, now I can just put my hands on it for as long as I like. Do not have the burning feel like the resun MD55. This might be due to the larger fan running.
  21. With my new stuffs coming in, this sump sure cannot handle the extra flow and backflow. New sump is a must
  22. Very true. But with my bioload, I try to use a small skimmer is asking for big trouble. The amount of poo from my tangs is quite horrible Imagine all the poo get disintegrated by the tunze then get suspended in the water... yucks.. they would be all living with their waste particles floating around them. Yee.....
  23. It's not a competition. It's about getting the equipment to support your tank properly Don't ask me to run my tank with a very tiny skimmer and little to almost no water flow I think end up become marine planted tank!
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